Forensic Sciences Doctorate Degree (PhD) - Mission and Vision

The incidence of violence and crime, which has emerged with social change all over the world and in our country, is increasing rapidly and its quality is changing. There is a need for experts to provide expert-level service in all activities carried out for the purpose of preventing crime and violence, finding the perpetrators and bringing them to the judiciary.

In our country, there are a limited number of doctoral programs that provide competent education in this field. It is necessary to increase the number of doctoral programs that are qualified in the issues related to the problems in investigation, prosecution and trial that guide the policies and lead academic studies simultaneously with the developments made at the international level. In this sense, the Forensic Sciences doctorate program aims to meet the needed demand.

The Forensic Sciences doctorate program aims to prepare participants for a successful education and research career in national and international academic platforms with high quality in different fields of forensic sciences, modeling the integration of theory, research and practice in the field of forensic sciences. The program offers an infrastructure that aims to provide theoretical and in-depth criminal investigation skills.

The doctoral program is based on a model that will enable participants to perform professionally effectively as both researchers and practitioners.

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