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Visual Communication Design - About

Visual Communication Design, Profession of the Future

What is the Department of Visual Communication Design?

The advances in digital communication technologies, the rapidly expanding use of multimedia communication media and tools make visual design increasingly important. The impact, power and importance of visual communication becomes important as the verbal and written communication. The importance of visual communication and the need for equipped professionals trained in this field reveals the importance of visual communication design education in communication once again.

What are the courses in Department of Visual Communication Design?

The first two years of education are basic social science formation courses in the Visual Communication Design Department as in the other departments of the Faculty of Communication. The emphasis is on practical training in the next two years. The curriculum of the department consists of complementary courses from general to special, from theoretical to practical. The department’s students take courses in the first two years outside of certain field courses within the scope of a common curriculum with the other departments’ students.

Students of the Department of Visual Communication Design can take courses from other departments

Starting from the third year (fifth semester), the students may take courses in the field of visual communication design. As the graduation approaches, the weight of the elective courses in the program is increased. According to this, students are also given the flexibility to take courses from other departments of the faculty depending on their special interests.

What are the occupational opportunities for the graduates of Visual Communication Design Department?

The students who graduate from Visual Communication Design Department can find employment opportunities in all areas of the media sector related to visual communication. In addition, the students can be employed in corporate communication units of public and private sector institutions, visual communication and design units of advertising and public relations organizations, and in many areas including internet media.

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