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New Media and Communication - About

Academic Activities
ÜSÜPEDİ (Üsküdar Üniversitesi Ansiklopedisi)

Innovative, Research Oriented and Scientific Thinking

Department of New Media and Communication


Department of New Media and Communication, which is based on a new media-oriented academic and scientific education-teaching approach, continues its activities with a mission and vision in line with the requirements of the digital age. With its comprehensive curriculum created through the new media phenomenon, which is the modern expansion of the field of communication sciences and media, our department not only responds to the conditions of the present but also turns its face to the future.

Offering its academic perspective, theoretical knowledge and practical approaches to the students as a whole, the Department of New Media and Communication aims to bring academics and researchers into the academic field of communication sciences, while at the same time, it is in an effort to train media professionals who are suitable for private sector. Considering the point where today's mass communication stands along with rapid digitalization all around the world, the Department of New Media and Communication can be considered as the intersection of all areas of communication. Accordingly, in the Department of New Media and Communication, we train qualified professionals and educate future researchers from all fields of communication, from communication sciences to mass media, from social media expertise to digital broadcasting, from journalism to television, and to the media industry.


Undergraduate diploma program in the Department of New Media and Communication is four years. In the first year of the program, students are offered core courses for them to gain basic social sciences knowledge. In the second year, courses on communication sciences are mainly offered. In the third year, both elective and compulsory courses are given as well as applied courses for communication and media specialization becomes rather intensive. In the fourth year, while advanced courses in the field of media and new media sector are given on one side, it is also ensured through the internship and graduation projects that the student reinforces their knowledge and experiences which were gained during their period of education. The courses given in the fourth year also aim to provide a basis for the students to make career planning after graduation. Namely, students who seek to work at main stream media or new media related companies mostly focus on their internship practices in the last year of the program by carrying out their graduation projects where they can experience professional practices. On the other hand, those who wish to seek an academic career in communication sciences are encouraged to complete their graduation projects (thesis) on a more scientific basis.

New Media and Communication Occupations

With their strong educational background on traditional media, new media, social media etc., students can find employment opportunities in related fields after graduation. They can work in various units in various fields of the media such as radio and television journalism / programming, journalism, social media expertise, corporate communication expertise etc. On the other hand, graduates can also make an academic career. Graduates who continue postgraduate education after four years of undergraduate education can find employment opportunities as academicians in various specialties in the field of communication. Students who benefit from the department's international exchange programs and Erasmus opportunities can find their postgraduate studies abroad as well.

Vision and Mission


The main mission of the department is to educate individuals who can use which they have learned theoretically in professional life and actively take part in the media sector, which is constantly developing and gaining new trends with digital communication technologies. To educate innovative academicians with analytical thinking, researchers and media professionals with rich academic equipment; to create a scientific and practical level academic background that has the knowledge to determine the importance and course of the media that changes and transforms with digitalization, and that can cooperate with other disciplines in the field of social sciences in a broader perspective is the primary mission of the department.


The Department of New Media and Communication with its comprehensive curriculum and educational activities, aims to be the best in the field not only for today but also in the future. It is also aimed to educate an excellent generation that is compatible with the digital age and can hold a vision for the future by making use of the opportunities of digital technologies provided by the department. Our department targets to become an internationally recognized department in the field of communication sciences over the next few years, while educating well-equipped professionals in the media sector. With its qualified academics, technical infrastructures, laboratories and studios, internal and external partnership collaborations with the private sector, we aim to be a well-recognized department in the next five years both in Turkey and in the world.

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