Candidate for Uskudar | For all your questions about our university

Message from the Department Head

Participatory Management, Development Together

Dear Students

As the Department of Political Science and International Relations, we find it very valuable that you participate in the management of our department and contribute to its development and shaping with your opinions and suggestions.

You can access our Department Activity Plan, which we have developed in line with the Academic Calendar of our University and the activities of our Faculty, by clicking the tab below. This plan is open to continuous improvement with your suggestions and requests.

You can send your suggestions to your Academic Advisors and/or me by using the STIX program or face-to-face meeting. Since two of your friends from each class represent you in the Department Advisory Board, if you wish, you can also convey your opinions through your representatives and bring them to the agenda in the meetings we will hold in the periods specified in our Department Activity Plan.

Our motto is “Participatory Management, Development Together”.

With love

Head of Department

Assoc. Prof. Dr. İbrahim Arslan

WHATEVER’S ON YOUR MIND about our University, ask us!