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- Education


Program Design and Approval.

Design of education programs within our faculty is in accordance with the Bologna process. Our program outcomes cover the National Qualifications Framework for Higher Education in Turkey. ( designs are subjected to continuous improvement and update procedures through meetings held regularly in the related units and with the related units and it is presented for the approval of the University Senate by the Faculty Board. Designing programs within the faculty is carried out with feedback from internal and external shareholders and with active participation of academic personnel within the unit. Shares from internal and external shareholders are carried out via assessment-evaluation/surveys, meetings and face-to-face meetings.

Standards regarding execution of programs are mainly as follows:

  1. Courses are given by the faculty members of the related department.
  2. It is paid attention to that course hour load does not exceed 6 hours a day for theoretical courses for the faculty members.
  3. Course schedules are created according to the efficiency of students.
  4. Course Schedules are announced at least 1 week prior to the beginning of the academic year.
  5. Bologna updates are completed before the beginning of the academic year.
  6. Student advisors are announced at the beginning of the academic year.
  7. E-mails from students to Solution Center, faculty members or other units within the faculty are responded to within 1 day.
  8. All kinds of announcements which concern students are announced via both university web sites and university student e-mails.
  9. Students are informed on opportunities for studying abroad by ERASMUS Coordinatorships at least once a year.
  10. Dates of exams are announced two weeks prior to exams.

Results of exams are announced two weeks after the exams.

Continuous Monitoring and Update of Programs


The suitability of our program designs is monitored through assessment such as exams, homework, seminar etc. and evaluation for course-oriented performance of students, and it can be seen on the Student Information System. At the same time, student representatives and the state of reaching objectives of our program design via face-to-face meetings are monitored via feedback from our students.


Visibility and Accessibility

Our methods to reach and provide visibility for assurance of education objectives and learning outcomes of our faculty members are information forms, application files and Course Information Packages consisting of files on course application. Internal and external shareholders can access these files on the Web site of the Faculty and Departments.

Improvement Process

Improvements that are deemed necessary for the program, are planned by faculty members of the program and Education and Quality Commissions and in the academic council meetings. Applications carried out within this plan are monitored and new measurements are taken when it is necessary with the contribution of feedback provided by internal shareholders.

The program outcomes which are planned according to principles within the scope of NQF-HETR, are evaluated by faculty members of the department in each semester of the academic year and foreseen improvements are planned and applied according to the PACP cycle.

 Student-oriented Learning, Teaching and Evaluation

Policies and Accessibility

Student-oriented learning policies of the faculty are in accordance with Üsküdar University regulations and principles and with the Bologna process. Our active learning process is based on “teaching how to learn” rather than a teacher-oriented information transfer method. For this purpose, our university adopts a teaching approach which makes students ask questions of “what, why, how” and guides students to find answers of those questions on their own during the information transfer process. Moreover, study groups based on cooperation are encouraged during the learning process. Our faculty members execute a mission which is being “advisor to make information and information transfer permanent” rather than being “who transfers information”.

Mutual feedback by faculty members and students are constantly evaluated, which are related to the education-training process during courses or out of courses. Student success is not only evaluated via exams but also via observing and evaluating exams with percentage equivalence within or out of course such as seminars, homework, projects, etc. as a result of the process.

Our students who are our internal shareholders are included in the administrative process. Faculty Student Representative is included in the Faculty Governing Board and Department Student Representative is included in Academic Council.

All applications planned in accordance with student-oriented education policies are shared with students via Faculty and Department Web site, SIS and STIX.


Management and Content of Program Courses

It is essential in the planning of  the content and management of the program curriculum of our faculty that  students can acquire fundamental knowledge in their field, can evaluate the knowledge that acquired and can express their evaluation verbally and in written form with active participation under the guidance of the faculty members.

Our goal is to raise a youth who are competent; have original ideas and skills of developing their ideas; can learn with analytical methods and can apply their learnings.

A learning model of “being able to hear, see, question and discuss, apply, transfer” is adopted in our programs for this purpose. Main teaching strategies of our programs are invention, presentation and research-examinations. Main teaching methods of our programs are explaining, written explaining, panel-seminar, problem solving, scenario creation, group cooperation and motivation. Our main teaching techniques are question-answer, silent-out loud reading, visual analysis, brainstorming, adapting examples of the advisor and giving homework.  



Üsküdar University encourages its academic personnel to attend domestic and foreign education programs and meetings in order to the fact that faculty members develop their competence in the student-oriented education model of our faculty and active learning.

All of the faculty members update their knowledge by attending National and International academic studies and follow current developments during the year.

Moreover, Scientific Initiative Regulation is executed in our university in order for our faculty members to improve their competence.



Credits of courses in Course Information Packages are applied according to student workload in line with the Bologna system. See:


Student Participation

Students participate in the process through besides advisors, also methods such as assessment-evaluation, student representatives and face-to-face meetings in the determination of credits based on workload.

Elective Courses

In the programs within our faculty, there are intra-department and extra-department elective courses with the aim for our students to acquire a cultural profoundness and to familiarize with different disciplines with the approach of interdisciplinary education.


Conditions for Graduation

Our students are required for their graduation that they reach the program learning outcomes aimed by success assessment and evaluation method (BDY) and they complete the necessary ECTS (240). These conditions can be accessed via Student Information System and Web site. See: .


Student Rights

Regulations of our faculty regarding student rights are compatible with University Legislation and Regulations.See:


Student Complaints and Suggestions

Students can submit their complaints and suggestions through face-to-face application and also via University Solution Center Student Consultancy System and the Web site. Necessary measurements are taken by providing solutions within the faculty in order for the problem not to be repeated.

4. Distance Education Process

Distance Education is carried out fully in line with the CoHE  decisions. Zoom and LMS systems are used during the distance education process. You can access detailed information regarding instructions and explanations within the university and the faculty processes via links below.

HSSF Distance Education Commission:

5.  Admission and Development of the Student, Recognition and Certification

Our faculty accepts students according to Verbal/Linguistic, Equally Weight and Foreign Language score types as a result of the Higher Education Institutions Exam (YKS) by the Student Selection and Placement Center (ÖSYM). Student Mobility is provided by ERASMUS student exchange programs. Admission of students to internal transfer, external transfer, foreign students, double and minor major programs are compatible with Üsküdar University Legislation and Regulations. See:

6. Academic Staff

Please click here for academic staff and the activity report.

7. Learning Resources, Accessibility and Supports

The design of our classrooms which are the main learning place within our faculty is based on the principle of creating a suitable learning environment. Moreover, the utilization of new technologies is adopted and all of our classrooms are equipped with smart boards.

There is a Central Library with the aim to provide access to learning resources of our university. There are sources and a computer laboratory that our students can follow current and electronic sources. In addition, works have started to be carried out to establish a Specialization Library and English Translation and Interpreting Laboratory within our departments. See:

It is provided that our students are within a learning process equipped with different sources through various activities, conferences and symposiums held annually in our faculty.


Moreover, It is aimed to enable the permanence of information with Event Reports prepared by maximum participation of students in these events within the scope of University Culture course.  The career planning of our students is supported by the Department of Career Center. See: Another unit that provides support for students is the academic consultancy system. One faculty member is determined for academic and social consultancy for each student and an academic and social consultancy support is provided for students during their education period. Necessary support (physical conditions, providing lecturer during exams, preparing a special exam, etc.) is provided for our students with disabilities within our faculty. All needs of our students with disabilities are supported together with the Department of Health, Culture and Sport (HCS) in line with the demands of our students. See:

Student Club works are carried out with the aim for our students to be supported for their learning process with different sources such professional, scientific, social, cultural, etc. activities in addition to the scope of courses.


Central Orientation Meetings and acquaintance meetings are held at the beginning of every academic year with the aim for adaptation and acquaintance of new students with faculty members. Services and support provided to students are improved and carried out within the framework of planning by the Senate, Faculty and Department councils.

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