Candidate for Uskudar | For all your questions about our university

- Research and Development


1. Research Strategies and Objectives

Research strategies and objectives of our faculty are compatible with the University 2019-2023 Strategic Plan.

Research Strategies of our Faculty:

To increase efficiency of producing information, dissemination and making information usable

To increase efficiency and research sources

To strengthen the culture of science, research, creativity and innovation

Research Objectives of our Faculty:

To make science, creativity and innovation visible

To enforce research infrastructure and diversify resources

To develop providing and initiative structures for research condition and facilities and to improve processes

To share results of academic publications via other popular publishing and mass communication with society

To transform research outcomes into sources

To encourage being a researcher for the curriculums of the programs

To provide visibility of research both within university and among external shareholders

To provide participation of internal and external shareholder in the process of creating research outcome

Research Sources

ARGEYEP (R&D  and Innovation Policies), our Application and Research Centers create physical infrastructure and financial sources for research and development activities in line with the University 2019-2023 Strategic Plan.

Monitoring and İmprovement of Research Performance

Our faculty’s activities are monitored via the Activity Monitoring System (FTS). (See:

Determining policies and objectives, application, control and measurements regarding performance improvement are in the stage of planning.

There is a referral journal of our faculty which started in 2014 and publishes twice a year (May - November) in both Turkish and English. Articles of faculty members within our university and other universities are published in the Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi (Social Sciences Journal) of our faculty.  


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