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English Translation and Interpreting - About

Department of English Translation and Interpreting

Our Objective

Today, there is an increasing network of relations between countries and societies where different languages are spoken. Communication and agreement are the key words for cooperation in economics, culture, trade, technology, politics, and other fields. Since English is one of the common languages of the globalizing world today, it has become a major instrument for this communication. Therefore, the need for both written and oral translators increases day by day in our country as well.

The aim of the English Translation and Interpreting Undergraduate Program is to train our students to become well-equipped and competent translators and interpreters to translate and interpret texts and discourses in English and Turkish at all levels and in all fields effectively; to carry out academic studies at national and international levels; and to contribute to translation studies through academy-sector cooperation.

A special program has been designed for our students that would develop their theoretical and practical knowledge in the field; provide proficiency in technology and communication; and improve their intercultural research skills to ensure their professional qualifications and competence.

Fields of Interest

We have aimed to yield graduates who are able to translate texts and discourses from English to Turkish and from Turkish to English, concerning medicine, law, economics, philosophy, sociology, history, and literature. For this reason, our program covers elective and non-departmental courses from different departments of the university. In this way, our students are provided with the opportunity to acquire knowledge and terminology as well as their translation skills in these fields.

In addition, our department aims to teach one of Arabic, Spanish, Russian and Chinese languages to its students as an elective course, thus paving the way for them to specialize in a second foreign language and preparing them for a bright future by offering double major programmes, minor programmes and Erasmus+ opportunities.

Career Fields and Opportunities

Our graduates can work in different institutions such as ministries, embassies, consulates, educational institutions, and banks. They have the opportunity to work in translation offices, import and export companies, tourism agencies, sports clubs, publishing houses and media organizations in private sector.

This department has been granted free access to the Phrase Academic Edition, designed for universities with translation courses.

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