Candidate for Uskudar | For all your questions about our university

- SWOT Analysis and Improvement


Strengths of Our Faculty

Vision meetings held each year within the university profoundly affect the internalization of the quality culture of both our university and faculty.

The Department of Psychology is the main science focus field among the behavioral sciences disciplines within our faculty. Our psychology program is a center of attraction both for our faculty and among other universities in our city .

The central location of our faculty creates a preference priority for the students.

Our partnership with NP Brain Hospital provides application opportunities to the students of the Psychology Department.

Our faculty can open Selective Social courses to all faculties within our University since our faculty includes basic sciences. This provides an opportunity for our academic staff to improve qualitatively and quantitatively.

Classrooms of our faculty are equipped with the latest technology education devices (Computers, projectors and smart boards)

Our faculty provides our students with double and minor major opportunities.

There are compulsory or optional English preparatory classes in all the departments within the faculty.

The pricing and scholarship policies of our university are the center of attraction for successful students and middle-income groups.

Weakness of Our Faculty

While our Department of Psychology is the main center of attraction of our Faculty, our other disciplines have not yet reached the aimed level.

Our University and Faculty have grown rapidly in a short time in terms of quantity and our health field (Faculty of Medicine) that is given priority, has also grown in terms of qualification. The qualitative rise of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences has left behind relatively during this process.

ERASMUS mobility is not at the level intended although there are many ERASMUS agreements within the university. The necessary improvement works are planned.


The interest in the departments of our faculty is increasing.

Our university has become one of the most prestigious universities in İstanbul thanks to the education quality and location of our university and faculty and its prestige is increasing.

Our university is a focus of interest for students from the Middle East and Africa.


Threats based on economic reasons and the loss importance of the place that it had formerly due to COVID-19 Process

Increase in quota of other foundation universities

General economic distress in Türkiye

Having relatively less employment opportunities than other Faculties that provide employment due to the fact that the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences has basic sciences

The Humanities and Social Sciences includes many disciplines within the Classical Arts-Sciences and Economics Administrative Sciences; however, in the employment of graduates from some of the departments such as PSUR within the faculty, the classical faculty names such as Economics Administrative Sciences are searched.

Remediation Measures

To sustain planning and works on the adoption and increasing Quality Culture within both our university and Faculty. For this purpose, Traditional Vision Meetings have been held since 2019 with various themes within the University.

Plans and applications are carried out to make each of the disciplines a center of attraction within the faculty.

To plan applications and plans in order to increase competence and research-publication performance of the faculty members.

To take measurements in determination of the quota for the programs considering the applicability limits of the student-oriented education.

To increase social areas to enable students to spend their time efficiently apart from the class hours.

WHATEVER’S ON YOUR MIND about our University, ask us!