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Political Science and International Relations (English) - About

We have a universal education understanding in department of political science and international relations

What Is The Political Science and International Relations Department?

The Department of Political Science and International Relations aims to educate professional who can interpret the network of contemporary relations from a conceptual framework and follow the current developments.

The ideal goals of the department is to educate individuals who have knowledge of the world and Turkey, know a foreign language, adopt analytical thinking, criticize and solve them, renew themselves continuously, take initiative, questioning, adopt ethical values, and inclined to work together and participate in democratic participation.

To Gain Analytical Thinking Skills

The purpose of the Department of Political Science and International Relations is to educate individuals who have mastered world’s and Turkey’s issues, know foreign language, adopt analytical thinking structure, criticize and solve them, constantly renewing themselves, entrepreneurial, questioning, adopting ethical values, participating in joint work and democratic participation.

What are the Courses Taken in the Political Science and International Relations Department?

The Department of Political Science and International Relations aims to provide students with the ability to evaluate global relations from a political, economic and cultural perspective and understand the relationship between these concepts from an interdisciplinary perspective.

In the first year of the undergraduate program in Political Science and International Relations, there are courses such as foreign language and the university culture in addition to the main courses of the field.

In addition to the courses given in the second year, which is in order to provide theoretical deepening in the field, Entrepreneurship and Project Culture course for multidimensional development is also offered for the students with Political History, Law, Research Methods and International Law courses.

In the third academic year, courses for understanding and interpreting political developments in our country, geography and the world gain importance.

In addition, it is aimed to provide variety in teaching by offering in-department and out-of-Department course options according to students’ interests.

In the fourth year, in-department and out-of-department course options become varied and the students are provided to mature according to their interests.

What are the Working Areas of the Department of Political Science and International Relations?

The graduates of the Political Science and International Relations can work in international organizations, especially the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Union Institutions, international private companies, political and foreign policy departments of media, banks, foreign relations departments of other public and private institutions.

Üsküdar Üniversitesi Siyaset Bilimi ve Uluslararası İlişkiler Bölümü dünya ve Türkiye meselelerine hâkim, yabancı dil bilgisine sahip, analitik düşünce yapısını benimsemiş, eleştirebilen ve çözümleyen, kendisini sürekli yenileyen, girişimci, sorgulayıcı, etik değerleri benimseyen, ortak çalışmaya ve demokratik katılıma yatkın bireyler yetiştirmeyi hedeflemektedir.

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