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Digital Game Design - About

Academic Activities
ÜSÜPEDİ (Üsküdar Üniversitesi Ansiklopedisi)

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What is the Department of Digital Game Design?

The Digital Game Design Department aims to provide students with the necessary theoretical and practical skills in game design and creation. From concept development and idea generation to the production methodologies applied in today's leading game studios with the education they receive in this department; students create a perspective on game design and the production process.

What are the courses in Digital Game Design Department?

The courses in the first year of the Digital Game Design Department, which are given in cooperation and coordination with the other departments of the Faculty of Communication, mainly aim to provide basic social science and basic communication sciences formation. In the department, where theoretical and applied field courses start to take place since the second year, 80 percent of the curriculum in the third and fourth years consists of applied courses related to the field.

Digital Game Design Department Raises Well-Equipped Graduates

The Digital Game Design Department combines the creative imagination of students with the latest technologies to create games and experiences. Within the scope of Digital Game Design education, students create game experience; they provide a basis for careers in fields related to art, media, game design. Students work with advanced technology; they produce 3D modeling, animation, programming, virtual reality, augmented reality, visual design, sound design and interactive storytelling.

While students learn by doing projects, they can turn their broad-framed studies into works that they can put in their portfolios. With these works, students participate in festivals and competitions and receive full support from our school.

What are the Occupational Opportunities for the Department of Digital Game Design Graduates? 

Students who graduate from the Department of Digital Game Design can take roles in game design, game programming, experience design, gamification, game production, playwriting positions, and related sectors and companies. In addition, they can work in sectors such as education sector, media sector, advertising sector, marketing sector, software sector.

Digital Game Design students gain the following competencies;

- Character and level design development,

- Knowing the design rules and applying them in game mechanics,

- Ability to transfer visual, auditory, tactile and textual elements to the game experience,

- Ability to use -2D and 3D programs for game design, to be able to model accurately,

- Ability to develop the game on mobile, console, virtual reality and augmented reality platforms in line with the user audience.

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