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Earthquake reporting: Guideline for Social Media Users and Journalists

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Named as the Disaster of the Century, the last Kahramanmaraş earthquake has showed us how social media platforms can be useful when used responsibly and effectively. Of course, during this disaster, we have encountered both positive and negative uses of social media. From the very first day, media organizations dispatched their reporters to the earthquake zone to provide coverage of the disaster. As Üsküdar University, Faculty of Communication faculty members, we have prepared this guideline in order to encourage more accurate use of social media and traditional media, based on our observations and universal ethical values.

1. Be aware of the power of social media. Do not forget that many lives have been saved with calls for help shared on social media.

2. It is important not to share conspiracy theories that have no scientific value, such as the earthquake was caused by the Americans.

3. Images of previous earthquakes should not be shared on social media as if they were about the new earthquake.

4. Photos and videos shared on social media should not be manipulated such as adding, removing, collage or montage in a way that distorts reality.

5. Care should be taken not to use provocative expressions containing hate speech in social media posts.

6. Hashtags used to facilitate aid in an earthquake should not be used in irrelevant tweets to gain followers. These irrelevant posts hinder aid.

7. Care should be taken to ensure that the content shared on social media is accurate and up-to-date in order to guide the aid teams. Incorrect posts cause teams to waste their valuable time.

8. It is crucial to exercise caution regarding individuals who impersonate legitimate aid organizations on social media when soliciting assistance, and social media platforms should be promptly notified to block such accounts upon detection.

9. During a crisis, it is essential to refrain from creating sensational social media posts to increase one's follower count or garner likes, a practice that may be acceptable during non-emergency periods.

10. Lynching attempts in social media against journalists reporting in the field are common. Such attempts should not be supported.

11. Do not forget that sharing photos and videos of injured or surviving children on social media platforms and making these children symbols may lead them to be unable to overcome the trauma they have experienced for a lifetime.

12. Be aware that fake news spread faster; avoid sharing unconfirmed news.

13. When talking to people who are waiting for their relatives to be rescued from the rubble in front of the collapse, careful language should be used, and it should be avoided to ask absurd questions such as “how do you feel?”, “do you have any pain?”

14. It is necessary to behave sensitively when interviewing earthquake survivors. Our approach to people in pain should always be humane.

15. If you want to interview people, first, introduce yourself and explain why you want to do the interview.

16. Express your condolences to people whose relatives have passed away, but never use unnecessary expressions such as “I understand your pain.”

17. Be very careful when handing microphones to people whose relatives are still under the collapse, and if possible, do not make these interviews during the live broadcast. Painful people may unintentionally use expressions that will cause them trouble.

18. It is necessary to avoid sharing pictures of those who lost their lives in the earthquake, and especially pictures that show their faces. Because these pictures can lead to permanent traumas in the relatives of the deceased people.

19. It is necessary to take into account that broadcasts about traumatic events such as earthquakes will have an impact on viewers and readers. We should not forget that traumatic images cause compassion fatigue among people.

20. Reducing the earthquake news to statistics and giving the number of deaths and injuries almost every hour leads to insensitivity in people after a while. It should be taken into account that the deceased are human beings, not just statistics.

21. It is not correct to dramatize the images by adding music and to narrate the photographs while giving the news about the earthquake. News should be based on information, not emotion.

22. Do not try to make unnecessary contacts with the people under the rubble in a way that endanger their health for the sake of journalism; Do not force people waiting to be rescued to talk so as not to cause oxygen loss.

23. Only statements from official and reliable sources should be relied upon.

24. Images shared on social media should not be used in the news without confirmation.

We should strive to convey what is going on objectively. Journalism that distorts reality is the poorest form of journalism. This type of journalism harms both the public's right to access information and the reputation of the journalism profession.

26. We should pay attention to the fact that the news sources to be used should be experts on the subject.

27. Journalists and social media users should refrain from behavior that puts themselves and others in danger while broadcasting.

28. It has been repeatedly seen that when the media reports correctly, the faults are quickly corrected. We should not hesitate to report needs and malpractices in an appropriate language.

29. It is necessary to focus not only on problems, but also on solutions. It is possible to further assist the teams in the field by communicating possible solutions.

30. During the reporting process, the work of removing debris and saving lives under the rubble should not be hindered. Care should be taken not to interrupt the work in order to provide life-saving images on live broadcast.

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