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Radio, Television and Cinema Department held 'Tricaster Workshop'

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Event information
Start date : 23 Mayıs 2023, 09:00:00 - 09:00:00

Üsküdar University Communication Faculty Radio, Television and Cinema Department students received training on the use of the Tricaster panel at the workshop organized by Mediacast Agency. 

Üsküdar University Communication Faculty Radio, Television and Cinema Department organized a workshop with Mediacast Agency within the scope of activities and workshops aimed at helping students develop the skills they will need in the sector. In the event held at the TV Education Studio of the Faculty of Communication, the students listened to the current technology and usage practices used in the sector from Bilgehan Çoruhlu from Mediacast Agency. 

Bilgehan Çoruhlu, who stated that the Tricaster panel is an intensive area of use in the sector, stated that the young people who receive this training will enter the sector one step ahead of their competitors and will make a great contribution to their careers. Explaining the use of the Tricaster panel to the students through practical examples, Bilgehan Çoruhlu stated that they were satisfied with the interest shown by the students to the workshop and that they would be happy to do other studies with Üsküdar University Faculty of Communication. 

Source: Haber Üsküdar 

Created Date : 23 Mayıs 2023

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