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History - Program Learning Outcomes

To have an in-depth knowledge of the periods in the history of humanity and gain an analytical, historical perspective.

To gain a better understanding of today's complex world via acquiring knowledge of the past and the ability to identify and understand the world and its place in the world.

 To gain the ability to understand, interpret and transform his / her experiences through acquiring knowledge of human history.

Comprehend the historical relationship between the present and the past, the variability and continuity of the historical process, and have a comparative perspective between the history of the World and the history of the National History.

To gain the ability to use the terminology, methods and techniques of the field of history, to reach and to classify the sources, distinguish, criticize, interpret and synthesize the information in these sources

To gain the ability of transferring the results of the research, via using the methods and techniques of different types of historiographies and fields of history independently and jointly.

To gain the ability of reading and transcribing historical texts (Ottoman Turkish).

To gain the ability to use interdisciplinary studies by learning the knowledge and practice of using other social sciences.

To gain the ability to use information and communication technologies with computer software and hardware required by the field.

To gain the consciousness of professional responsibility and academic ethics.

To gain the ability to pursue lifelong learning by following the scientific and contemporary developments in history and other fields and to have active and participatory citizenship

To be able to give lectures in secondary education institutions (provided that they take pedagogical formation), to continue academic career in graduate education, to contribute in research, publication and consultancy activities in public and private institutions, to take part in social projects and to contribute to society through historical knowledge in various fields.

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