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English Translation and Interpreting - Program Learning Outcomes


1. To have the competence to work independently and/or take responsibility as a team member in order to solve the problems encountered during the translation process,

2. To have knowledge about literary, critical, historical, linguistic and cultural approaches and to be able to use them in text analysis and text production,

3. To use current technologies such as translation memories, online resources, term banks, spelling and grammar control, the Internet, terminology database, computer-assisted translation programs in all processes of translation, and to follow developments in the field,

4. To be able to interpret and compare the written and oral products of the languages and cultures to be translated with a critical perspective,

5. To be able to make decisions about method, strategy, form and content in the translation process and to be creative in applying these decisions,

6. To be able to translate texts in the light of the knowledge acquired in terms of terminology, field knowledge, source language and target language required for special field translations,

7. To acquire research skills and to be able to include information sources effectively in the translation process.

8. To gain awareness of ethical and professional values in professional practices,

9. To have the ability to inform the relevant persons and institutions that will receive services on translation and interpreting activities, to convey their thoughts and solutions regarding the problems in written and oral form,

10. To be able to use a second foreign language at intermediate level,

11. Participating in national and international in-field trainings, projects and gaining basic professional experience, are the learning outcomes of our program.

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