Candidate for Uskudar | For all your questions about our university

Forensic Science (Turkish) - Mission and Vision

Vision Statement

The Forensic Science Program at Uskudar University will be the nation’s finest in the
integration of teaching, research and service.

Mission Statement

The mission of the Forensic Science Program at Uskudar University is to provide our students with a rich educational experience through a hands-on, practical approach to forensic science education that will enable those students to reach the highest levels of intellectual achievement and personal growth.

The Program will provide open, welcoming, creative and adaptable teaching and research environments for its students, staff and faculty. The Program outcomes will have a positive impact on the global forensic science and law enforcement communities, and on society as a whole.

Overarching Goals

Be an international leader in forensic science education.

Produce graduates that become future leaders in forensic science.

Enhance academic excellence through a balanced emphasis on teaching, research and service.

Enhance the public’s awareness of science through forensic science education.

Forensic Science Program Values

Rigor – The faculty and staff of the forensic science program will create a rigorous and
challenging academic environment.

Dedication – The faculty and staff of the forensic science program will be dedicated to the
highest level of excellence and integrity.

Commitment – The faculty and staff of the forensic science program will be committed to
providing our customers (e.g., students and collaborators) with the highest level of service.

Respect – The faculty and staff of the forensic science program will respect and support one
another and their customers.

Ethical - The faculty and staff of the forensic science program will perform their duties in an
ethical manner at all times.

Accessibility – The faculty and staff of the forensic science program will be highly accessible to our customers and colleagues.

WHATEVER’S ON YOUR MIND about our University, ask us!