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Chemical Engineering (English) - About


What is Chemical Engineering?

Chemical Engineering is a multidisciplinary engineering field that aims to convert raw materials and chemicals into useful and valuable products. Therefore, it is a multidisciplinary engineering field based on the basic principles and approaches of life and engineering sciences as well as basic sciences such as mathematics, physics, and chemistry.

Chemical Engineering and Process Engineering

Chemical engineers usually hold a diploma in "Chemical Engineering" or "Process Engineering". Chemical engineers with professional certificates can become members of professional organizations. Institutions to which chemical engineers can be members include institutions such as the Instution of Chemical Engineers (IChemE) and the American Instute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE).

Chemical Engineering is Redefined Through Developments

The definition of Chemical Engineering is defined periodically in different ways with the developments in the world. American Instute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) defined the chemical engineering profession in the 1950s as, “It deals with the application and development of production processes involving physical and chemical changes of substances. The task of the chemical engineer consists of the project design, construction, and operation of the devices, which include physical and chemical changes.”

It is Redefined in the 21st Century

By the 21st century, chemical engineering was redefined by taking into consideration the innovations brought by this century. In the 2000s, it was defined as that "Chemical engineering is a vast and versatile engineering branch that deals with the development and implementation of processes in which the chemical structure, energy content, or physical state of the materials are altered."

Fully Equipped Professionals will be Trained

It is aimed that students have the ability to bring solutions to problems in areas such as chemistry, process / process engineering, and biotechnology thanks to the analytical thinking ability to be gained by students who want to study chemical engineering in the department of chemical engineering. Üsküdar University aims to be a leading chemical engineering center in Turkey as well as the world.

ERASMUS Opportunities are Offered

Undergraduate and graduate students at Üsküdar University have the opportunity to study in a multidisciplinary framework. In this way, students have the opportunity to choose their fields of interest from a wide range of high-impact, world-class and top-notch research topics. In addition, our students can receive international education experience through our bilateral agreements (ERASMUS).

Which Courses are Offered in Chemical Engineering? 

The Chemical Engineering Department consists of theoretical and applied courses of basic sciences integrated with engineering discipline. For the students of Chemical Engineering Department; training is offered to create a specialization opportunity in many fields such as petrochemical, chemistry, pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, chemical process modeling, environmental and energy management, renewable energy, waste management, biomaterials, nanotechnology, catalysts and catalytic reactions, polymer science, process engineering, bioinformatics and biostatistics.

In line with these objectives, it is important for students in the Department of Chemical Engineering to actively carry out the applications of the theoretical courses they take within the curriculum. During the early stages of their undergraduate education, students in chemical engineering take courses such as General Chemistry-I, General Chemistry-II, and Organic Chemistry, which are conducted in the General Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Laboratories. Applications of common courses such as Physics I, Physics II are carried out in the Physics Laboratory. Computer Aided Engineering Graphics and Introduction to Programming for Chemical Engineering courses are conducted in Computer Laboratories. The students learn Solidworks and MATLAB Softwares in these courses.  In the later stages, Chemical Engineering Laboratory-I and Chemical Engineering Laboratory-II courses are again conducted in the Chemical Engineering Laboratory. These applications and laboratories allow students to convert their theoretical knowledge into practical skills, preparing them for real-world problems.

1) Chemical Engineering Laboratory
2) Computer Laboratory-I
3) Chemistry Laboratory
4) Computer Laboratory-II
5) Physics Laboratory

Offers Wide Range of Research Areas

Chemical Engineering enables research in all areas of life and studies on product development. Given this fact, it is one of the engineering fields where R&D studies are used the most. Currently, active research areas in our department are: Synthesis and characterization of nanostructured materials, Microreactors, Aerogel-based optofluidic systems, Mathematical modeling of processes, Supercritical fluid technologies, Photocatalysis, Artificial photosynthesis, Self-cleaning surfaces, Air cleaning, Protein modeling, Protein-protein interactions, Computer-aided drug design, Bioinformatics.

Education will be in English

The language of education in the Department of Chemical Engineering, with a four-year education period, is 100% English, and foreign language preparation is compulsory. Foreign language education is not included in the specified education period

Work Opportunities for Chemical Engineering Graduates

The job opportunities of chemical engineers are very diverse. Chemical engineers can work in production, planning, marketing and research and development departments in any industry that includes chemical processes and facilities.

A graduate could find a job in petrochemical, refinery, chemical or a drug company that utilizes chemical engineers traditionally. In addition, chemical engineers are hired by energy, cement, paint, plastic, biotechnology, agriculture, metal, paper and pulp, food, textile industries. They can work in both government agencies and the private sector. In addition to these, graduates can follow an academic career with various research supports both in Turkey and abroad.

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