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Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences - Uskudar University, Bachelor's, Degree Programs Quality Assurance System


1.Quality Management and Assurance System

1.1. Quality Management and Assurance System

1.1.1. Our quality policy

The quality policies of our faculty are in line with the 2019-2023 Strategic Plan of the University. Accordingly, the Quality Policy of our Faculty;

In 10th Development Plan;

Accessible, qualified, cost effective, sustainable supported by data and evidence-based policies provide a health service,

Intends to increase the ratio of R & D expenditures to national income to 1.8 percent,

Intends to use information and communication technologies widely and effectively in order to accelerate the transformation of our country into an information society,

Carrying out projects and academic studies that will contribute to the development of our university in parallel with R & D focuses within the framework of the 4 main objectives given to ensure that the current deficit is brought to permanent reasonable levels and the priority transformation programs of “Reducing Importation Dependency” and “Structural Transformation in Health Industries”. Develop researchers to contribute to this field and contribute to research and application centers,

Turkey's academic, economic, technological and cultural development in accordance with the vision and objectives set by the Higher Education Council, to contribute to the educational goals of our country by education and training to the Bologna process,

Intends to act as a facilitator and contributor in areas that will encourage industry, university and public cooperation,

Contributing to science in the field of ethical values, moral and spiritual guidance, which is becoming increasingly important in developed countries, is felt in the global economic and social crises and has the potential to be of great importance in the near future,

Intends to support the economic and foreign reputation of our country in the future by making education and training in different languages attractive for foreign students to come to our country,

Intends to create a center of attraction for quality faculty members in the international arena,

Intends to create an ecosystem where entrepreneurship and industrial university cooperation will play an active role by benefiting from the young and researcher potential of our country,

Developing tools and developing new organizations to make new inventions and patents produced at the university available to the society,

Applying the latest and advanced methods and techniques in education and training, and instructing all instructors to in-service training to learn and apply the changes in technology,

Intends to disseminate education, research and applications with an interdisciplinary approach,

Intends to implement student and faculty exchange programs within the framework of EU (Erasmus) student exchange programs,

Encouraging projects that contribute to regional and national development,

Intends to create and carry out joint projects with research groups and institutions in national and international universities,

Students through seminars, conferences and workshops, primarily in the field of professionals; ensure that they are in the same environment with successful business and scientists,

Intends to encourage and support students' clubs, activities and organizations,

Intends to choose and apply a management style that is participatory, innovative, entrepreneurial, human-oriented, in interaction with its stakeholders, open to change in line with feedback-based requests and does not compromise from universal, academic and ethical values,

The service quality offered by the university is built on the principles of providing accreditation in terms of education and training quality and being a pioneer in total quality management.

1.1.2. Our values

The basic values we adopt in line with our quality policy are:

Respect all human values,

Producing added value and contributing to regional and national development within the framework of R & D focuses,

Adhering to universal law, national laws, universal and scientific values,

Being open to change and innovation,

Environmental sensitivity,

Being focused on the upbringing of students to a high standard,

Providing added value and participation in regional development, pioneering, approaching with an example universal perspective,

Making no distinction is made between the differences in religion, language, race, nationality, gender, color and thought,

Adopting democratic values of criticism, libertarianism, pluralism and participation,

Preserving the basic values of society, prioritizes social benefit and is sensitive to social problems,

Having the principles of equality, reliability and rationality, where scientific point of view is in the forefront, ethical values take the first place,

Seeking, collecting, transmitting, preserving information, pursuing a method of excellence in research, production, sharing and dissemination,

Prioritizing transparency and accountability in its service and activities,

Turkey's contemporary without losing the basic values to rise to the level of civilization, supporting the accession process to the European Union,

Being a university that ensures the satisfaction of its scientific and administrative staff and continuously improves it.

1.1.3. Our Basic Strategy

Turkey Our faculty set the quality standard of higher education Higher Education Qualifications Framework (HEQF) are based on the criteria. Our quality policy;

Adopting knowledge, innovation and human values in our understanding of continuous quality improvement,

Developing technology-intensive, high-quality education, training, research and application programs,

Providing innovation and research-oriented added value and participation in regional and national development within the framework of our R & D focus,

Using the human resources and physical resources of the organization effectively and efficiently,

Ensuring the implementation of the principles that will carry and reflect the corporate values within the framework of the mission and vision of the University,

Recognizing and manage existing and potential risks and to take necessary measures

In Turkey, education and training activities in the European Union and international standards for the maintenance work,

Ensuring the satisfaction of all our stakeholders, especially our students, and to keep them at the highest level,

Supporting education and training, scientific research and development and social responsibility studies by making quality a corporate culture with the understanding of Total Quality Management,

It is designed to develop strategies for internationalization.

1.1.4. Elements of Quality Management System Faculty Administration, Boards and Commissions

In our faculty, Quality Management processes are carried out with the understanding of periodic and continuous improvement. The Faculty Quality Commission is the central element of the Quality Management System, which carries out studies to determine and realize the objectives and targets in line with the principles determined by the Quality Coordination Office established within our university. The Faculty Quality Committee meets at regular intervals and works with a “continuous improvement and strategy and develops, learns and renews itself in order to contribute to the process. In addition to thisFaculty Management, Faculty Board, Department Heads, Erasmus and Bologna Coordinatorships are other supporting elements of the quality management process. Our stakeholders


Internal Stakeholder: The primary internal stakeholders of our unit are students and academic staff working in the unit. Measurement and evaluation studies and meetings are organized to ensure the active participation of internal stakeholders in the education and training process.

Our faculty supports the participation of stakeholders in the decision-making process. Feedback from stakeholders; is measured through various mechanisms such as joint studies, meetings, satisfaction, improvement and feedback surveys and face-to-face interviews and these notifications are included in the continuous improvement cycle.

Our faculty and students are among the elements of quality management process. Faculty members participate in the process of determining and implementing quality policies and strategies through the Academic Committee (see academic committee file), the Commission, (See Quality commission minutes) and Department meetings (Department Meeting Minutes). Our students are included in the process of identifying and implementing quality policies and strategies through Student Counselors, Student Representatives (See Student Representative File), periodic surveys and face-to-face interviews.

 External Stakeholders: The external stakeholders of our faculty are graduates, employers, small, medium and large-scale industrial organizations, professional chambers, representatives of private and public institutions and other universities. The participation of the external stakeholders in the decision-making and improvement processes is provided through face-to-face interviews, support to the teaching process, meetings and surveys. An external stakeholder questionnaire was prepared to receive the views and evaluations of the external stakeholders and started to be filled by the stakeholders. The practices in the unit, informing the external stakeholders about the curriculum and the academic activities are carried out through the faculty-department web page and the media.

1.2. Quality Assurance System

1.2.1. Quality Culture

The Quality Commission of the Faculty plans seminar programs for students and faculty members in order to spread the quality culture. Opinions are exchanged to enable external stakeholders to participate and contribute to the process. Moreover, the activities currently being carried out are important in terms of progress and self-updating of corporate culture. The main quality assurance element of our faculty is the dissemination of Quality Culture. Operating the PDCA cycle from the planning of the quality process to the improvement stage is another important element of our Quality Assurance System and is the basis for monitoring and improving the process. (See Quality seminar presentation)

1.2.2. PACP Cycle

In our faculty, Quality Assurance Process is carried out within the framework of PACP (Plan, Apply, Check, Prevent) cycle. The applicability of the education and training objectives planned in line with the determined objectives and targets are controlled, and measures are taken by making improvements in the areas deemed necessary.

1.2.3. Internalization

One of the assurance elements of our quality policy is the internalization of our quality policy and strategy by internal stakeholders. Academic studies of our academic staff (See Academic Activity List) are recorded with FTS system, and the stages of the learning outcomes of our students - course performances, out-of-school performance, assignments, reading, projects and theses etc. OBS and STIX - are the internalized outputs of our quality policy. Within the scope of internalization activities, in-service training programs and training of trainers are also important, and it has been decided to organize Quality Seminars in the quality commission in our faculty for this purpose but the seminar program has not yet started. In our faculty, the continuation of internalization activities is ensured through regular meetings held between students and academic staff and the suggestions arising in these meetings are constantly discussed (and implemented) in the Department Board meetings. Faculty Member - Student Interview Table)

1.2.4. Stakeholder Sharing

In order to enable internal stakeholders to participate and contribute to the quality assurance system, Department Meetings and Academic Council meetings and Orientation Meetings are organized for students at the beginning of each academic year. The students share all kinds of educational activities in constant communication with both department heads and advisor faculty members. In addition, the departments determine their opinions and suggestions about their educational activities at least once a semester by means of measurement and evaluation methods. (See Assessment and Evaluation File) Also, there is a center where our students use problems to share with the university administration. The Solution Center enables the students to contribute to the quality assurance system with their requests and opinions. This center provides student feedback to the relevant faculty and department officials (see solution center monitoring.) Sharing with relevant non-governmental organizations, associations and sectoral representatives in order to enable the external stakeholders to contribute to this system, to get their opinions on education and training activities and the sector. meetings, training and interaction programs are planned (See Stakeholder File)

1.2.5. Monitoring and Improvement Process

Our faculty monitors the compliance of the mission, vision, strategic objectives and performance indicators with the quality assurance system through internal evaluation processes and annual reports (see Annual Report, Academic Performance Report, Student Satisfaction Surveys, Stakeholder Sharing Surveys) and plans improvements in the required areas.

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