Dear Students,The course schedule for the 2021 - 2022 Summer Term is attached.We wish you all success.00 2021-2022 YAZOKULU DERS PROGRAMI 03.08.2022.xlsx
Dear Students,Students who wish to take the single course exam are required to submit their applications by adding their transcript which has been signed by their advisors as well as the necessary petition form which has been filled out by the student. Application process is between 25 July and 3 August 2022 and is carried out via our petition tracking system ( single course exams will be held on Friday, August 5, 2022 for the students who qualify to take it according to their advisor’s approval.We wish success for all of you.
Dear Students,You can find information about resit exams from the file below.We wish you success.MDBF_2021-2022 Bahar Dönemi Bütünleme Sınav Programı_19_07_2022_rev2.pdf
Dear Industrial Engineering Students Who Take IE492 Course;1. In order for your grading process to be completed, you must submit the hard copies of your graduation projects to Research Assistant Tugba Yasemin Karagöz (office no: A331) by 15:00 on July 22, 2022 with no grammatical errors. Please use the spell check for corrections and also the format. 2. In addition, if your project has been revised after the presentations, send your updated PDF files to If you didnt send before, you also have to submit all excel files, data files and program files, if any.Note: The office will be closed between 9-17 July due to the public holiday.
Students who wish to take a single course exam are required to make their applications together with their transcripts via the petition tracking system ( between 25 July and 3 August 2022. The exams of the students who are deemed appropriate by the advisor to take a single course exams will be held on Friday, August 5, 2022.
Is it possible to become an entrepreneur with 200 ₺? The event information is as follows.
Dear students who take IE492-Graduation Project Course;Its a remind that you must send the pdf form of your project files to until 1/July/2022 (at 12:00). Only 1 person from each group is required to forward the file. Late submissions will affect the rating. Project presentations will take place on July 4-5 via Zoom. Presentation day-time, zoom links and jury information of each group is attached. Please check your group numbers and presentation dates /times carefully. The presentations will take place in the form of 15 minutes of presentations and 5 minutes of questioning and answering, lasting 20 minutes in total. We wish all of our students success.IE492-graduation project GROUPS-zoom links by groups.pdf
Dear Students,There has been an update in the Thesis Presentation Program of the Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics (Turkish), which is planned to be held between 30.06.2022 - 01.07.2022. You can follow the date and your jury members from the attached updated file.We wish success to all our students.2022 MBG-TR Tez Sunum Programları 27.06.2022.pdf
Dear Students,Rector's Office Required Courses make-up exams will be held on Wednesday, July 20, 2022, at the times given in the table below. Make-up exams will be held in the classrooms of the Central Campus blocks A-B-C. You can see the halls where you will take the exam in the STIX course announcements. (Students who have a letter grade of DD-DC and want to take the make-up exam will be present at the Central Campus C block -1st Floor Aziz Sancar conference hall at the exam time of the relevant course.)20 July 2022, Wednesday17:30-18:0018:10-18:4018:50 - 19:20ATA 102 Atatürk İlkeleri ve İnkılap Tarihi II (Spring)TÜRK DİLİ 102 Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı II (Spring)INGU102 Ön lisans İngilizce II (Spring)ING102 Lisans İngilizce II (Spring)17:00 - 17:30(Only about 2nd year SHMYO students who are enrolled in the course and are at the graduation stage.)Place: Merkez Kampüs C blok 1. Kat CB108 Nolu SalonTUR101 Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı I (Fall Term - First Semester)ATA101 Atatürk İlkeleri ve İnkılap Tarihi I (Fall Term - First Semester)INGU101 İngilizce I (Fall Term - First Semester)We wish you success for your make-up exams.
Dear Students,Our university's 2021-2022 Academic Year Summer Education will be held in hybrid, whereby the students who will take courses (except preparatory class students) must submit their pre-applications online between 18th to 26th of July 2022.Notice: Exams will be held face to face.Apart from the courses mentioned below, the courses planned to be opened according to the number of applications will be announced on the Faculty / Vocational School website on Thursday, July 28, 2022 and our students will be able to register for distance courses between July 28 and August 3, 2022 via the link to be published and make their total ECTS payments as stated below.ECTS Fee Payment Conditions:1. The full amount of the ECTS fee should be made to the bank accounts listed below by direct money transfer or EFT (Electronic Fund Transfer)2. The payments that are made through banks must state ‘Summer School’, ‘Republic of Turkey Identification Number’ and ‘The number of ECTS payments made’ on the payment slip.3. The payments can be made with all credit cards that have a sufficient limit to cover the ECTS fee.4. 5% cash discount is implemented in cash payments.YAPI KREDİ BANKTR60 0006 7010 0000 0092 2175 00GARANTİ BANKTR34 0006 2000 4130 0006 2916 95İŞ BANKTR19 0006 4000 0011 0601 9117 30TÜRKİYE FİNANS BANKTR72 0020 6001 4701 5643 5000 01AKBANKTR19 0004 6000 2088 8000 4467 44 ECTS FEE FACULTY of MEDICINE₺2.590,00FACULTY OF DENTISTRY₺2.225,00FACULTY of HUMANITIES and SOCIAL SCIENCES₺1.340,00FACULTY of ENGINEERING and NATURAL SCIENCES₺1.340,00FACULTY of HEALTH SCIENCES₺1.000,00FACULTY of COMMUNICATION₺1.000,00VOCATIONAL SCHOOL of HEALTH SCIENCES₺665,00According to the number of students who have made their financial registrations for the courses planned to be opened, the courses deemed appropriate by the Summer Education and Training Coordinatorship will be announced on the Faculty/Vocational School website on August 5, 2022. Hybrid training for the announced courses will start on Monday, August 8, 2022.The guest students from other Universities seeking to take courses at Uskudar University are required to upload their identification card along with the approval for the courses they plan to take at our University while making their online application.Notice: During summer term, only 5 courses that do not exceed 21 ECTS can be taken.While making the online application, the guest students who seek to take courses at Uskudar University are required to upload an official approval of the courses they are planning to take. This approval must be taken from their university.A refund of fees can only be made to those who made their full payment at enrollment for summer if the planned courses were cancelled by the Summer Education Coordination Office due to low numbers of enrollment to that course.Students who drop an already opened course will not be eligible for a refund.Our students can take the courses that are not available at Uskudar University can take the said summer courses at other Universities with the approval of the Faculty / Executive Board of the Vocational School of Health ServicesClick below for Summer Term Regulations.Classes to be opened regardless of student numbersCourse NameECTSAtaturk’s Principals and Turkish Revolution History I3Ataturk’s Principals and Turkish Revolution History II3Turkish Language I3Turkish Language II3English I3English II3University Culture I1University Culture II1Pre-application dates:18th to 26th of July 2022Announcement of Planned Courses:July 28, 2022Application – Enrollment Dates for Summer Term:28th July to 3rd August 2022Announcement of Approved Classes:5th August 2022Start Date of the Summer School Courses:8th August 2022Ending Date for Summer Term Classes:23rd September 2022
The FENS departments 2021-2022 Spring Semester Final Exam Schedule are listed below. Adli Bilimler.xlsxbiyomuhendislik-1-16-06-2022.xlsxCOME_1.xlsxEEM.xlsxEndüstri_.xlsxKİMYA MÜH.xlsxmbg-eng_1_14.06.2022.xlsxMBG (Türkçe) Bölümü - Sınav Takvimi 13.06.2022.xlsxyazilim-muh_1_14.06.2022_v2.xlsx
Dear students who take IE492-Graduation Project Course;You must send the pdf form of your project files to until 1/July/2022 (at 12:00). Only 1 person from each group is required to forward the file. Late submissions will affect the rating. Project presentations will take place on July 4-5 via Zoom. Presentation day-time, zoom links and jury information of each group will be announced later. The presentations will take place in the form of 15 minutes of presentations and 5 minutes of questioning and answering, lasting 20 minutes in total. We wish all of our students success.
Students with Conflicting Final ExamsAs the 2021-2022 Spring Final exam dates have been announced, it is important that our students notify any conflicting exams. If you have any such exams, please let the faculty know by following path explained below:1- Fill in the form in the attached file (Students are required to take the exam of the course from the previous semesters first). Fill in the date, as well as all the relevant data starting from "Student name and surname".The data you need to fill in can be respectively (from top to bottom) translated as follows: Student Full Name, Student Number, Faculty, Department/Programme, The Course of the Exam, Classroom/Hall of the Exam, Date of the Exam, Exam Hours, Student Mobile Number, Student E-Mail.2- If any of your exams conflict, first you must take the exam of your department at the announced time. Then you will take your Double Major, Minor, or any other extra-departmental exams at a different time within the same day, to be specified by your instructor.3- Fill and deliver the form to your supervisor exam so that she will sign it. Then deliver the signed form to the instructor of your conflicting Double Major or Minor course as quickly as possible.sinav-cakismasi-bildirim-dilekcesi-23380.pdfWe wish you good luck with your exams.
Dear Students,Patent Information Event/Training, which we will organize for our faculty students and academicians, will be held online on Thursday, 23.06.2022, between 15.00-16.00, via the zoom link below.Educational content:What are the Patentability Criteria?Patent ProcessesPatent Applications and Examples Patent Trend Analysis in EngineeringMeeting URL: ID / Passcode: 975 1984 7445 / 042623
The updated MBG (Eng.) Graduation Thesis Poster Presentations are attached below.MBG (Eng.) Graduation Thesis Poster Presentations.docx
Bioengineering Department 2021-2022 Academic Year Graduation Thesis Presentation Schedule is attached below.Bioengineering Department Graduation Thesis Presentation Schedule.xlsx
Dear Students, Organized for the second time this year by IEEE Üsküdar University Student Branch Club, which will take place on 3-4 June 2022 at 10:00, Üsküdar University Central Campus A Blok Nermin Tarhan Conference Hall. You are all invited to the event called ZIRVEDEKILER'22. Those at the ZIRVEDEKILER'22: Touching every aspect of technology; It aims to shed light on the careers of all students from computer, software, electrical electronics, industry, bioengineering, molecular biology and genetics departments. The event will consist of sessions where experts will listen to their career journeys and experiences, and will follow a question-and-answer flow.You can reach our website with details about our event and speakers here.You can find the registration form here.
2021-2022 Spring Semester Rector's Office Common Exams are planned to be held between 17:30 - 19:20 on Monday-Tuesday, 20-21 June 2022. Final exams will be administered under supervision in classrooms, as in other courses. Exams for undergraduate and associate degree students will be held on two different days and at the same time in 5 campuses. You will be able to find out in which campus and in which hall you will take the exam, and the exam rules, by looking at the announcements to be made at STIX one week before the exam. Students have to take the exam in the classrooms with their names and student numbers. For this reason, you should definitely learn about the campus and classroom where you will take the exam before the exam.We wish you luck.DaysMonday, 20.06.2022Tuesday, 21.06.2022Student GroupsUndergraduate Programs StudentsAssociate Programs StudentsTimeCoursesAtatürk İlkeleri ve İnkılap Tarihi II (ATA102)Atatürk İlkeleri ve İnkılap Tarihi II (ATA102)17:30-18:00Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı II (TÜRK DİLİ 102)Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı II (TÜRK DİLİ 102)18:10-18:40İngilizce II (ING102)(This exam is for Turkish undergraduate departments only. The exam date and time of the English II (ENG102) course taken by English departments will be announced by the faculties.)İngilizce II (INGU102)18:50-19:20(Associate Program I.Term )Atatürk İlkeleri ve İnkılap Tarihi I (ATA101)Türk Dili I (TÜRK DİLİ101)İngilizce I (INGU101)18:50-19:20
ANNOUNCEMENT FOR STUDENTS WHO WILL DO INTERNSHIPStudents who are accepted to the National Internship Program organized by the Presidency must take the "Internship Acceptance Certificate" issued and signed by the institution and submit it to the Career Center 5 working days before starting the internship. Students who do not submit an internship acceptance form will not be subject to SSI.