Dear Students,TECH'22 Engineering Summit program will be held by the students of our university on May 23-24, 2022 at the Central Campus Nermin Tarhan Conference Hall.Speakers who will participate in the program;1. Mehmet Fatih Kacır - Republic of Turkey Deputy Minister of Industry and Technology;2. Emre Kutlu - 3D Studio - Founder3. Ömer Faruk Boztaş – Turkcell – Blockchain Service Specialist4. Selim Çelebi - Kastamonu Entegre - Global Human Resources Director5. Ezgi Hız Buyurgan - Microsoft Turkey - Technology Strategy Leader6. Sabri Suyunu - Lumtify - Founder7. Emrah Mete - Google – Cloud Systems Expert8. Cihan Taştan - hiDNA - Founder, Director9. Volkan Akay - Bay Ifade - Educational Designer10. Hasan Laçin - AlbarakaTech Global - Deputy General Manager11. Taner Duman – Ericsson Turkey – Network Systems Director12. Emre Yıldız - Bilişim Vadisi - General Manager Consultant, Octopus - Founder13. Emre Günaydın - Huawei Turkey - Director of R&D14. Ertuğrul Akhan - Cezeri Artificial Intelligence Robotics Technologies - Administrative Responsible15. Salih Kukrek, Sanlab - Founder16. Ersoy Soyer - Queeme - Founding Partner17. Dr. Naci Adalılar - Lodestar Business Solutions - Founder18. Serkan Uygur - Founder of Uygur ConsultingProgram flows are included in the attached images.We will be glad to see you among us.
MDBF 2021-2022 BAHAR DÖNEMİ VİZE MAZERET SINAVI-01.pdfDear Students,1. Exams of the students whose excuses are found suitable, will be held between 16-20 May 2022.2. The students who are eligible to take the exam and the exam times, will be announced by the responsible lecturer of the course on ALMS AND STIX before 16-20 May.The list of students who will take the make-up exams is attached.We wish you a successful exam week. NOTE: The list of students who will take the make-up exam has been updated on May 15, 2022.
ANNOUNCEMENT OF MAKE-UP EXAMS FOR THE RECTORATE COMPULSORY COMMON COURSES 2021-2022 SPRING SEMESTER 2021-2022 Spring semester visa make-up exams for the courses given by Distance Education will be held online between 24-25 May 2022.Exam dates and times are as in the table below. Students who take that course can take the midterm make-up exams at any time during the active time of the exam. Once the exam session has started, there is no going back to the beginning; It is not possible to open a second exam session. It is recommended not to take the exam from mobile devices.To start the exam, after accessing the distance education interface at and logging into the system:You can log in by clicking on the name of the "Exam" activity in the relevant course. The screen that will appear in the first stage is the text stating the exam conditions. After you approve this text, your exam will begin. What you need to pay attention to on the exam screen is the answer list section in the lower right corner of the screen. Here you will be able to see whether the answers to the questions have been successfully transmitted to the server and your unanswered questions. If any of the questions is marked orange, it means that the answer to this question was not delivered. (Please click on this question and repeat your answer.) Carefully read the instructions before the exam.Ders Adı Sınavın Başlama Tarih/saatiSınavın Bitiş Tarih/saatiSınava girilebilecek zaman dilimiTürk Dili I - TURK101 Türk Dili II - TURK10224 Mayıs 2022 SalıSaat 08:3025 Mayıs 2022 ÇarşambaSaat 08:3024 saatAtatürk İlkeleri ve İnkılap Tarihi I ATA101 Atatürk İlkeleri ve İnkılap Tarihi II ATA10224 Mayıs 2022 SalıSaat 08:3025 Mayıs 2022 ÇarşambaSaat 08:3024 saat İngilizce I - INGU101 (Ön lisans)İngilizce II - INGU102 (Ön lisans) İngilizce II - ING102 (Türkçe Lisans Bölümleri) 24 Mayıs 2022 SalıSaat 08:3025 Mayıs 2022 ÇarşambaSaat 08:3024 saat
The "Biology at the Future and New Areas of Work for Biologists" event will be held by the Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics (English) on Monday, May 16, 2022 at 14:30 at the Central Campus, Kuleli Conference Hall.
Dear Students,In our university, the courses dated 05.05.2022 and 06.05.2022 will be held online.We wish you a good holiday.
As part of the Activity/Seminar of the Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics (English) of our faculty, Res. See. İrem Gülfem Albayrak's presentation on "Endometrial gene expression profiling of recurrent implantation failure after in vitro fertilization" will be given on Friday, 20/05/2022 between 10.30-11:00 on the zoom program via the link below.Join Zoom Meeting ID: 280 152 6450Passcode: 207660
Within the scope of our Faculty's Chemical Engineering (English) Department Event/Seminar, Prof. Dr. Selahattin Gültekin's presentation on "Energy Utilization and Environment" will be given on Friday, 22/04/2022 between 10.30-11:00 on the zoom program via the link below. Join Zoom Meeting ID: 280 152 6450Passcode: 207660
IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT1. As explained earlier, all exams will be held face-to-face according to the decision taken by University Senate.2. Students who are unable to participate in midterm exams due to their excuse can apply for the face to face excuse exam.The deadline for submitting students' excuses by petition is May 06, 2022. ( )3.Students who will not be able to take their exams face-to-face can request a registration freeze.The deadline for requesting a registration freeze is April 29, 2022. ( )4. Students who have late course registrations after the 4th week of the Spring Semester (after from 04.04.2022 ) can apply for excuse exams by petition. ( )
FENS 2021-2022 Academic Year Spring Term Midterm Exam ScheduleMidterm Exam Schedules for FENS 2021-2022 Academic Year Spring Semester are given below.We wish you good luck.Güncel_ABL.pdf2021-2022 Spring Semester Bioengineering Midterm_UPDATED.pdfUpdated_CHE.pdfREV-21-22 Spring Term COME-Eng.pdfupdated_EEE.pdfIndustrial Engineering 2021-22 Spring Midterm Program.pdfMBG (Eng.) 21-22 Spring Semester Midterm Exam Schedule - UPDATED.pdfGüncel_MBG(TR).pdf2021-2022 Spring Semester Software Engineering Midterm_UPDATED.pdf
Foreign Languages Exam Chart (English_2nd Language)Foreign Languages Exam Chart (English_2nd Language).pdf
Electrochemical Biosensors in Neuroscience Panel will be held on April 21, 2021 at 14:00 with the participation of Prof. Dr. Mehmet Şenel, moderated by Prof.Dr.Sevim Işık.
Students with Conflicting Midterm ExamsAs the 2021-2022 Spring Midterm exam dates have been announced, it is important that our students notify any conflicting exams. If you have any such exams, please let the faculty know by following path explained below:1- Fill in the form in the attached file (Students are required to take the exam of the course from the previous semesters first). Fill in the date, as well as all the relevant data starting from "Student name and surname".The data you need to fill in can be respectively (from top to bottom) translated as follows: Student Full Name, Student Number, Faculty, Department/Programme, The Course of the Exam, Classroom/Hall of the Exam, Date of the Exam, Exam Hours, Student Mobile Number, Student E-Mail.2- If any of your exams conflict, first you must take the exam of your department at the announced time. Then you will take your Double Major, Minor, or any other extra-departmental exams at a different time within the same day, to be specified by your instructor.3- Fill and deliver the form to your supervisor exam so that she will sign it. Then deliver the signed form to the instructor of your conflicting Double Major or Minor course as quickly as possible.We wish you good luck with your exams.exam-overlap-declaration-form.pdf
2021-2022 Spring Semester Education Term Minor Applications1. All students who have applied for a minor degree in our Faculty and were accepted must fill in the minor application form below and send it to until the end of the working day on Tuesday, 22.03.2022.2. Students whose registration process is completed will choose courses on Wednesday and Thursday, 23-24.03.2022.3. There is no exemption after minor admissions.01-yandal-basvuru-formu.pdfThe 2021-2022 Spring Term Minor Program Admissions list is attached.00 MDBF YANDAL KABUL 28.03.2022.xls
The 2021-2022 Spring Term Minor Program Admissions list is attached.00 MDBF YANDAL KABUL 28.03.2022.xls
First-year students Fi-jital groups are listed below.are listed below.IE 1.YEAR SPRING TERM PHYGITAL PLANNING.xlsxKimya Mühendisliği Öğrencileri için 1. Sınıf Teorik Ders Gruplandırması.xlsxMBG-TR Bahar Dönemi 1.Sınıf Fijital Ders Planlaması 18.03.22.xlsxMBG (İNG) Spring Semester 1. Grades Phygital Course Program.xlsxSE_phygital groups.xlsxBioengineering_Freshmans_list.xlsxAll COME 210 phy-gital groups IDs.xls
2021-2022 Fall Semester Additional Exam List For our students who could not take the 2021-2022 Fall Semester Resit Exam due to the positive Covid test, the additional exams will be held on Thursday, March 10, at 14:00. 2021-2022 Fall Semester Additional Exam List.pdf
Dear students;within the framework of the Fi-gital educational planning of the Spring semester of the academic year 2021-2022, which will be opened on 07.03.2022, our students will be accepted to face-to-face classes in alternating groups.Accordingly, the weekly planning process of the students who will attend the face-to-face classes will be carried out according to the following explanations.(Digital education is the simultaneous participation of students who cannot participate in face–to-face education with face-to-face classes with different groups and online courses from outside the University at the same time.)1. For the freshmen students;Group planning of our first-year students, on which dates they will come to face-to-face classes alternately, will be announced on the faculty web page on 10.03.2022.2. For the students in the upper class: Course records of upper-class students and approvals of advisors will continue the first week of spring semester, so the upper classes ( 2. 3. and 4. Classes) The courses will be held online until the announcement of the alternating course groups is made.
To the attention of the 3rd grade students of Industrial Engineering,IE436-Healthcare Quality Management is also offered as a departmental elective for the 3rd grade students. You can choose one of IE436-Healthcare Quality Management, IE303- Leadership and Communication Skills or IE324-Engineering Management as your departmantive elective course. There will be no more increasement for quotas. For students who have already sent their curriculum to approval can make changings on their departmantive elective courses during the add-drop period if the quotes allows.In addition, 3rd year students who have never taken the RPRE104-Entrepreneurship and Project Culture course must add that course to their list. For students who have already sent their curriculum to approval can add this course to themselves during the add-drop period.
Students who want to take the single course exam should apply their applications through Petition Follow Up System by filling the ‘Single Course Exam Request Form’ with adding their transcripts between 28 February - 3 March 2022. The students whose exam petitions are approved by their advisors to take the single course exams will be held face to face on Wednesday, March 9, 2022.