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Medical Laboratory - About

What is Medical Laboratory Techniques Program?

Medical Laboratory Techniques Program, which adopts the concepts and principles related to the subject, based on universal science and education in the field of medical laboratory services, can combine theoretical knowledge with practice, and can use methods related to diagnostic data (Pathology, Biochemistry, Microbiology-Parasitology and Cytogenetics etc.). educates professionals who are capable of obtaining and organizing the findings, sharing the purpose and offering them for use, and who can work in institutions that provide medical laboratory services in the systematic structure and organization of the medical and health sector.

We Gain Lifelong Learning Awareness

The Medical Laboratory Techniques Program aims to raise individuals who can interpret and evaluate data by using the basic knowledge and skills acquired in the field with sufficient infrastructure in their field, and identify solutions and develop solutions.

Has the knowledge of a foreign language at a level that is able to effectively use the methods, technical services and technologies for applications, produce solutions to unforeseen problems encountered in applications, take responsibility in workgroups and have the ability to work individually, communicate effectively, tolerant, patient and follow innovations in the field. Training professional staff is also among the targets.

Within the scope of the program, it has universal and cultural values, professional ethical competence awareness, monitors industry developments in science and technology and continuously renews and improves itself, with the awareness of lifelong learning in the individual and professional fields; It is aimed to raise individuals who have knowledge, skills, competence and awareness about security, health and environmental protection measures.

What are the lessons learned in the Medical Laboratory Techniques Program?

Courses Taken in the First Class in Medical Laboratory Techniques Program; Basic Anatomy and Physiology, Laboratory Safety (BSEÇ), Basic Mathematics, General Pathology, Positive Psychology and Communication Skills (ÜSEÇ), University Culture I (ÜSEÇ), Diseases Knowledge (BSEÇ), Ataturk's Principles and History of Turkish Revolution I, English I, Biochemistry, First Aid, Medical Biology and Genetics, Basic Microbiology, Use and Maintenance of Laboratory Instruments (BSEÇ), Elective Course, University Culture II (ÜSEÇ), Ataturk's Principles and History of Revolution II, Turkish Language II, English II.

Courses Taken in the First Class in Medical Laboratory Techniques Program; Clinical Biochemistry, Basic Laboratory Practices I, Clinical Microbiology I, Introduction to Hematology, Professional Ethics, Parasitology (BSEÇ), Basic Laboratory Practices II (BSEÇ), Clinical Microbiology II, Basic Immunology, Summer Practice.

What are Medical Laboratory Techniques Graduates Working Areas?

Medical laboratory technicians; It can work in hospitals, medical schools, private analysis laboratories, research centers of other health institutions, graduate-schools of hygiene, food industry enterprises, and institutions and organizations that carry out research and development studies in the field of medicine.

For those who want to pursue a career in different fields, there is also the opportunity to transfer to Biology, Molecular Biology and Genetics, Bioengineering, Nursing, Nursing and Health Services departments with DGS exam.

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