The 2023-2024 Fall Semester midterm calendar has been published. Please follow the announcements for updates.2023-2024 Güz Vize Sınav Takvimi.xlsx
2023-2024 Fall Semester Rectorate Common Courses Midterm Exams are planned to be held on Wednesday-Thursday, 29-30 November 2023, between 17:30 - 19:20. Midterm exams will be administered in classrooms under supervision, just like other courses, in accordance with the legislation. Exams for undergraduate and associate degree students will be held on two different days and at the same time in 5 campuses. You will be able to find out which campus and hall you will take the exam in and the exam rules by looking at the announcements to be made on STIX one week before the exam. Students have to take the exam in the classrooms where their names and student numbers are displayed. Therefore, before the exam, be sure to find out the campus and classroom where you will take the exam.We wish you luck.RECTOR'S OFFICE ANNOUNCEMENT OF MIDTERM EXAMS OF JOINT MANDATORY COURSES 2023-2024 FALL SEMESTER
The 2023-2024 Academic Year orientation program will be held for SHMYO daytime education students on Wednesday, October 11, 2023, between 15:45-16:45 at Çarşı Campus Emir Nebi I Conference Hall.
The 2023-2024 Academic Year orientation program will be held for SHMYO evening education students on Wednesday, October 11, 2023, between 18:00-19:00 at Çarşı Campus Emir Nebi I Conference Hall.
SINGLE COURSE EXAMSDear Students,Students who wish to take a single course exam should submit their application petitions along with transcripts signed by their advisors, indicating their eligibility, to the School Directorate between September 18 and 25, 2023.The exams for students approved by their advisors to take single course exams will be held on Thursday, September 28, 2023, at 15:00 in Emir Nebi-1 Conference Hall.We wish all students success in their exams.tekders-dilekce-ornegi.doc *Since Single Course Exam petitions will not be responded to, it is necessary to contact the instructor of the relevant course for the application results.
Students whose Double Major Program (DMP) Application is accepted must come to the Çarşı Student Affairs Directorate until 18.09.2023 for the "Double Major Program Enrollment Approval" and submit the Double Major Program Approval Requestor and OSYM Score Card.ÇAP Onay Dilekçisi için tıklayınız.pdfApplications of students with a GANO of 3.75 and above, outside the program in which they can apply for Double Major, will be evaluated individually by the senate. Our students, whose application results will be presented to the Senate of our University, must come to Çarşı Student Affairs Directorate and submit the attached form and ÖSYM Score Cards by 18.09.2023. If there are students on the main list who have not registered by 18.09.2023, students from the reserve list will be invited to register as of 20.09.2023.Students who are on the main list in one program and the waitlist in another program have the right to register until 19.09.2023. If they do not receive a turn from the program in which they are on the reserve list until 19.09.2023, they will not lose their registration rights to the program in which they were originally placed and will be able to register on 20.09.2023.Exemption procedures for common courses in the DAP program curriculum, among the courses that registered students have successfully completed in the major program, will be made automatically under the control of the DMP advisors.You can inquire about your DMP Application result using your TR ID number from the link below: (2) Students who benefit from the scholarships or discounts specified in the “Üsküdar University Scholarship Directive” in the major program also benefit from these rights in the program they do DMP. The scholarship period of the student who graduated from the major program but could not complete the double major program may be extended by one (1) year, the maximum period specified for the major in the Scholarship Directive.
Our students must complete their financial and student affairs registration procedures between 12-18 September 2023, between 09:30-17:00.NOTE: Students must first come to the Çarşı Campus Registrar's Office with their ÖSYM scorecard and ÖSYM placement documents within the specified date ranges, fill out a petition declaring that they approve their internal transfers, and then go to the financial affairs unit for financial registration procedures.You can inquire about your horizontal transfer application result using the link below using your TR ID number:
MAXIMUM DURATION OF STUDIESANNOUNCEMENTEXAMINATION RIGHTS AT THE END OF THE MAXIMUM DURATION OF STUDIESFor students in the last year of their associate degree program who have exceeded the maximum duration of studies, an additional examination opportunity will be provided for the courses they have failed in the 2022-2023 academic year spring semester. To benefit from this opportunity, students must apply to the Student Affairs Office with the required form by October 3, 2023.To download the relevant form, please click here..Exam Schedule:Exam Date Range: October 5, 2023 – October 6, 2023Exam Date Range: October 12, 2023 – October 13, 2023
EXEMPTION APPLICATIONSStudents who have registered for the 2023-2024 Academic Year Fall Semester at our Vocational School and wish to be exempt from courses they have successfully completed at another Higher Education Institution, based on the results of the ÖSYM exam, are required to submit the following documents (3 files) in person to the Vocational School Directorate between October 16 and 22, 2023, in accordance with "Üsküdar University Associate and Bachelor's Degree Education, Instruction, and Examination Regulation," Article 25:TRANSCRIPTAPPROVED COURSE CONTENT (SEALED, STAMPED, AND SIGNED)EXEMPTION REQUEST PETITIONMUAFİYET DİLEKÇESİ.docx
"Dear Students,The list of courses offered during the 2022-2023 Summer Term is provided in the Excel document below. For information regarding course days and times, you can communicate with the respective instructors through our communication channels, which include STIX, ALMS, or email. We present this information for your consideration."2022-2023 YAZ OKULU AÇILAN DERSLER LİSTESİ.xlsx
Click to view the list of courses offered.Notice: Exams will be held face to face.Click here for course registration.Apart from the courses mentioned below, the courses planned to be opened according to the number of applications will be announced on the Faculty / Vocational School website on Wednesday, July 26, 2023 and our students will be able to register for distance courses between July 26 and August 2, 2023 via the link to be published and make their total ECTS payments as stated below. ECTS Fee Payment Conditions:1. The full amount of the ECTS fee should be made to the bank accounts listed below by direct money transfer or EFT (Electronic Fund Transfer)2. The payments that are made through banks must state ‘Summer School’, ‘Republic of Türkiye Identification Number’ and ‘The number of ECTS payments made’ on the payment slip.3. The payments can be made with all credit cards that have a sufficient limit to cover the ECTS fee.4. 5% cash discount is implemented in cash payments. 5-There is a 25% discount on fees per ECTS for Üsküdar University students.YAPI KREDİ BANKTR60 0006 7010 0000 0092 2175 00GARANTİ BANKTR34 0006 2000 4130 0006 2916 95İŞ BANKTR19 0006 4000 0011 0601 9117 30TÜRKİYE FİNANS BANKTR72 0020 6001 4701 5643 5000 01AKBANKTR19 0004 6000 2088 8000 4467 44 ACCOUNT NAME: T.C. ÜSKÜDAR ÜNİVERSİTESİPLEASE CLICK HERE FOR ECTS FEES.According to the number of students who have made their financial registrations for the courses planned to be opened, the courses deemed appropriate by the Faculty/Vocational School Administrative Boards will be announced on the Faculty/Vocational School website on August 4, 2023. face to face training for the announced courses will start on Monday, August 7, 2023.The guest students from other Universities seeking to take courses at Üsküdar University are required to upload their identification card along with the approval for the courses they plan to take at our University while making their online application.Notice:During summer term, only 5 courses that do not exceed 21 ECTS can be taken.While making the online application, the guest students who seek to take courses at Uskudar University are required to upload an official approval of the courses they are planning to take. This approval must be taken from their university.A refund of fees can only be made to those who made their full payment at enrollment for summer if the planned courses were cancelled by the Faculty/Vocational School Administrative Boards due to low numbers of enrollment to that course.Students who drop an already opened course will not be eligible for a refund.Our students can take the courses that are not available at Üsküdar University can take the said summer courses at other Universities with the approval of the Faculty / Executive Board of the Vocational School of Health ServicesClick below for Summer Term Regulations.Classes to be opened regardless of student numbersCourse NameECTSAtaturk’s Principals and Turkish Revolution History I3Ataturk’s Principals and Turkish Revolution History II3Turkish Language I3Turkish Language II3English I3English II3University Culture I1University Culture II1 Pre-application dates:10th to 24th of July 2023Announcement of Planned Courses:July 26, 2023Application – Enrollment Dates for Summer Term:26th July to 2nd August 2023Announcement of Approved Classes:4th August 2023Start Date of the Summer School Courses:7th August 2023Ending Date for Summer Term Classes:22nd September 2023
Dear Students,Students who want to take the single course exam must submit their applications to the SHMYO Directorate between 11-16 July 2023 with their approved transcripts signed by their advisors.( exams of the students who are approved by the advisor to take the single course exams will be held ONLINE on Tuesday, July 18, 2023.We wish success to all our students.tek-ders-sinav-dilekcesi.doc
2022-2023- Bahar Bütünleme Sınav Takvimi.xlsx
2022-2023 Bahar Dönemi Rektörlük Ortak Derslerin bütünleme sınavlarının tarih ve saatleri aşağıdaki tabloda olduğu üzeredir. O dersi alan öğrenciler bütünleme sınavlarına sınavın aktif olduğu zaman diliminin herhangi bir saatinde girebilirler. Sınav oturumu başlatıldıktan sonra tekrar başa dönülmez; ikinci bir sınav oturumu açılması mümkün olmaz. Sınava mobil cihazlardan girilmemesi önerilir. Sınavı başlatmak için, adresinden uzaktan eğitim ara yüzüne ulaştıktan ve sisteme giriş yaptıktan sonra :İlgili ders içerisinde bulunan “Sınav” aktivitesinin adına tıklayarak giriş yapabilirsiniz. İlk aşamada karşınıza gelecek ekran sınav şartlarını belirten metindir. Bu metni onayladıktan sonra sınavınız başlayacaktır. Sınav ekranında dikkat etmeniz gereken, ekranın sağ alt köşesinde yer alan cevap listesi bölümüdür. Burada soruların cevaplarının sunucuya başarılı bir şekilde iletilip iletilmediği ve cevap verilmemiş olan sorularınızı görebileceksiniz. Eğer soruların herhangi bir tanesi turuncu olarak işaretlendi ise, bu sorunun cevabı iletilemedi demektir. (Lütfen bu soruya tıklayarak, vermiş olduğunuz cevabı tekrarlayınız. ) Sınav öncesi çıkan talimatı dikkatle okuyunuz. Ders AdıSınavın Başlama Tarih/SaatiSınavın Bitiş Tarih/SaatiSınava girilebilecek zaman dilimiAtatürk İlkeleri ve İnkılap Tarihi II –ATA102 Atatürk İlkeleri ve İnkılap Tarihi I-ATA101 5 Temmuz 2023 ÇarşambaSaat 08:306 Temmuz 2023 PerşembeSaat 08:3024 saatTürk Dili II –TURK102 Türk Dili I-TURK101 5 Temmuz 2023 ÇarşambaSaat 08:306 Temmuz 2023 PerşembeSaat 08:3024 saatİngilizce II (ING102)İngilizce II (INGU102) İngilizce I (ING101)İngilizce I (INGU101) 5 Temmuz 2023 ÇarşambaSaat 08:306 Temmuz 2023 PerşembeSaat 08:3024 saat
2022-2023- Spring Semester Final Exam Schedule.xlsx
2022-2023 Bahar Dönemi Rektörlük Ortak Derslerin Final Sınavları 19 Haziran - 22 Haziran 2023 tarihleri arasında internet üzerinden yapılacaktır.Sınav tarih ve saatleri aşağıdaki tabloda olduğu üzeredir. O dersi alan öğrenciler final sınavlarına sınavın aktif olduğu zaman diliminin herhangi bir saatinde girebilirler. Sınav oturumu başlatıldıktan sonra tekrar başa dönülmez; ikinci bir sınav oturumu açılması mümkün olmaz. Sınava mobil cihazlardan girilmemesi önerilir. Sınavı başlatmak için, adresinden uzaktan eğitim ara yüzüne ulaştıktan ve sisteme giriş yaptıktan sonra :İlgili ders içerisinde bulunan “Sınav” aktivitesinin adına tıklayarak giriş yapabilirsiniz. İlk aşamada karşınıza gelecek ekran sınav şartlarını belirten metindir. Bu metni onayladıktan sonra sınavınız başlayacaktır. Sınav ekranında dikkat etmeniz gereken, ekranın sağ alt köşesinde yer alan cevap listesi bölümüdür. Burada soruların cevaplarının sunucuya başarılı bir şekilde iletilip iletilmediği ve cevap verilmemiş olan sorularınızı görebileceksiniz. Eğer soruların herhangi bir tanesi turuncu olarak işaretlendi ise, bu sorunun cevabı iletilemedi demektir. (Lütfen bu soruya tıklayarak, vermiş olduğunuz cevabı tekrarlayınız. ) Sınav öncesi çıkan talimatı dikkatle okuyunuz.Ders AdıSınavın Başlama Tarih/SaatiSınavın Bitiş Tarih/SaatiSınava girilebilecek zaman dilimiAtatürk İlkeleri ve İnkılap Tarihi II –ATA102 Atatürk İlkeleri ve İnkılap Tarihi I-ATA101 19 Haziran 2023 PazartesiSaat 08:3020 Haziran 2023 SalıSaat 08:3024 saatTürk Dili II –TURK102 Türk Dili I-TURK101 20 Haziran 2023 SalıSaat 08:3021 Haziran 2023 ÇarşambaSaat 08:3024 saatİngilizce II (ING102)İngilizce II (INGU102) İngilizce I (ING101)İngilizce I (INGU101) 21 Haziran 2023 ÇarşambaSaat 08:3022 Haziran 2023 PerşembeSaat 08:3024 saat
Attention SHMYO Child Development 2nd Year Students!.docx
All Sign Language exams will be done in the form of homework assignments.
2022-2023 SPRING SEMESTER MIDTERM EXAM SCHEDULE.xlsxPlease complete your technical preparations in advance as the system will open at the start of the exams.Note: Homework/Presentation/Project midterms are not included in the calendar. You can get information from the lecturer for these courses.
Foreign Language Midterm Exam Schedule - Spring Semester 22-23-Yabancı Dil Ara Sınav Takvimi-Bahar Dönemi-22-23.xlsx