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Computer Engineering (English) - About

What is Department of Computer Engineering?

Computer science is a rapidly emerging discipline that directly or indirectly affects many other disciplines, including science, engineering, health care, business, art, etc. Department of Computer Engineering aims to solve complex technological, medical and social problems of faculty members and students as well as to maximize the utility of modern computer science by encouraging innovative research understanding in the fields of application in different disciplines.

What Does a Computer Engineer Do?

A computer engineer designs, develops and optimizes computer systems and components. In line with the theoretical and practical knowledge gained in the computer engineering department, our graduates deal with the design, development and testing of hardware and equipment such as chips, circuits, sensors, cards, processors, drivers, keyboards, modems and printers that make up the computer. For this purpose, checking computer systems regularly with hardware tests, performing verification tests for new and reconfigured motherboards, solving hardware problems of computers with maintenance activities, working in cooperation with software development teams, providing technical support for network and internet-based applications, In such cases, it undertakes tasks such as providing spare equipment.

Qualified Education in Computer Engineering

Üsküdar University Department of Computer Engineering aims to encourage students' innovative research approach in solving technological, medical and social problems and in application areas in different disciplines and to provide qualified education opportunities.

In line with these goals, it focuses on the most efficient implementation of the courses taken by our students within the framework of the curriculum during their four-year undergraduate education. Practical training processes, which start with Introduction to Algorithms and Programming courses in the second semester, are carried out in the Mac Laboratory or Computer Laboratory with groups of approximately 40 people so that the instructor can provide one-on-one attention. In the following periods, courses such as Data Structures, Object Oriented Programming, Database Management Systems are also conducted in the same way. Courses such as Logic Circuits, Electronic Circuits and Microprocessors, which enable our students to gain knowledge in the field of hardware, are planned in the Digital Systems Laboratory or Electronic Circuits Laboratory, depending on the equipment used.


1)Mac Laboratory

2)Computer Laboratory

3)Digital Systems Laboratory

4)Electronic Circuits Laboratory

5)Physic Laboratory

The Content of Computer Engineering

The curriculum of Computer Engineering department is improved constantly by following developments in the sector. 

This content is supported by international resources. The Department of Computer Engineering’s curriculum offers students elective courses exceeding 25%. Students can have interdisciplinary study opportunities with departmental electives, field electives (electives from other departments in the faculty), social electives (electives from other faculties) and electives in 2nd foreign language (Spanish, German, Chinese, Russian, Arabic etc.) courses. These accumulations can be implemented either by in-class projects or by graduation projects they will prepare for the two semesters in the 4th grade. Students also have experience in the sector by doing 2 summer internships in hardware and software fields. Students can be trained in other countries with various foreign opportunities offered to them as they have the opportunity to do a summer internship in the country they wish. Detailed course plans and contents can be viewed from the relevant pages.

The period of study is 4 years except one-year foreign language preparatory class. The language of instruction is English

Computer Engineering, Application and Internship Opportunities

Computer Engineering students have the opportunity to reinforce their academic knowledge with in-class projects and graduation projects they prepare during two semesters in the 4th grade. In addition to academic knowledge, students can gain experience in the industry by doing two summer internships in the fields of hardware and software.

Thanks to Üsküdar University's ERASMUS opportunities, students can study in another country; They have the opportunity to do a summer internship in the country of their choice. Detailed cirriculum and their contents can be viewed on the relevant pages. The education period is 4 years, excluding the one-year foreign language preparatory class. The language of education is English.

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Job Opportunities for Computer Engineering Graduates

As the days of technological advances continue, different areas of specialization are emerging in the field of Computer Engineering. In general, these fields can be viewed in the following headings: healthcare information, software expertise, robotics, system engineering, database administration, R & D, forensic and cyber security, hardware / electronics, web design and programming, multimedia, academic career. Computer Engineering has field of applications in many areas and institutions and graduates can work as engineers and managers in information technologies related departments of each sector.

What are the advantages of studying Computer Engineering in English?

Engineering is a universal profession. All over the world, similar problems are solved by developing similar solutions. The only way to get involved in this world is to know a foreign language. Üsküdar University Computer Engineering (English) Department aims to ensure that its students can write, read and speak English. Thus, our graduates will have the opportunity to work freely not only in Turkey but all over the world. It will be possible for our graduates who will work in Turkey to meet the English language requirement required to work in large corporate companies with the education they receive. English education, which will help you stand a few steps ahead among your colleagues, will enable you to quickly rise up the career ladder and work for higher wages.

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