Dear Students,The 2024-2025 Spring Term Midterm Exam Schedule is below.We wish you all success in your exams.2024-2025 Spring Term FENS Midterm Exam Schedule.pdf2024 - 2025 Spring Term Second Foreign Languages Midterm Exam Schedule.pdf
Hello,Are you ready to take flight in your career with Turkish Airlines, the flag carrier brand of Turkey?Take-Off Cadet (Second Pilot Candidate to be Trained); is a program that provides new graduates with the opportunity to make a strong start in their careers at Turkish Airlines, and trains successful pilots of the future in air transportation, which is rapidly developing all over the world and where the need for trained pilots is increasing. CLICK HERE to access the details about the advertisement and the application link.Last Application Date: April 4, 2025We wish you success.
Dear Students,The Midterm Exams for the Spring Semester of the 2024-2025 academic year for the Rectorate Common Courses are scheduled to be held on April 16-17, 2025 (Wednesday-Thursday) between 17:30 – 19:20. As required by regulations, the midterm exams will be conducted under supervision in designated classrooms, just like other courses.You will be able to find out which campus and classroom you will take the exam in, as well as the exam rules, through announcements that will be made on STIX one week before the exam. Students must take the exam in the classrooms assigned to them based on their names and student numbers. Therefore, please make sure to check your designated campus and classroom before the exam.We wish you success.
Within the scope of our Faculty's Industrial Engineering (English) Department Seminar, Dr. Osman Murat Anlı's presentation titled "Supply Chain Management" will be held on Saturday, 22.03.2025 at 11:00 via the zoom program link below.Link: ID: 280 152 6450Passcode: 207660Seminar AnnouncementSaturday, March 22, 2025 11:00 Online Zoom MeetingSupply Chains: Business vs Consumer PerspectivesDr. Osman Murat AnlıAn introductory presentation on the fundamentals of supply chains and their operational management will be given, specifically designed help orient freshmen students within their profession. The main objective of this presentation is to raise awareness on how we, as consumers, interact with supply chains in our daily lives through major and minor brands of in automotive, fashion apparel, groceries, electronics, and other industries. Examples will include global operations of well-known brands. A secondary objective is to highlight potential career paths in the field of supply chain management for prospective graduates. This session will provide an overview of the core components of a supply chain, including procurement, manufacturing, warehousing, distribution, and the retail operations. We will discuss the interconnected nature of these elements and examine how they contribute to the efficient flow of goods and services. This seminar is open to all majors not just the Industrial Engineering students, no prior knowledge is necessary.
2024-2025 Academic Year Spring Semester Minor Application Results2024-2025 Academic Year Spring Semester Minor Application Results have been announced.Minor Application Results: Students whose applications are approved must submit the following Minor Approval Petition and ÖSYM Score Cards to Esra Aslan, Assistant Director of Student Affairs at the Central Campus, by the end of working hours on Friday, 20.02.2025. Click Here for Minor Approval Petition2. Students whose registration process is completed will be able to choose courses.3. After Minor admissions, course counting and exemption procedures are not performed.
Dear StudentsStudents who want to take the single course exam must apply with their transcripts signed and approved by their academic advisor between February 17-21, 2025 via the Petition Tracking System ( on the web page of our Faculty between February 17-21, 2025.The exams of the students who are deemed appropriate by their advisors to take single course exams will be held between February 24-28, 2025 on a date deemed appropriate by the instructor of the course.We wish success to all our students.
Dear Students,2024- 2025 Fall Term FENS Resit Exam Schedule is attached below. We wish you all success.Note: For courses with the same code and the same course name, such as MATH101, PHYS101, taught by different instructors, be sure to check the instructor of the course and your department to avoid confusion.2024- 2025 Fall Term FENS Resit Exam Schedule.pdf2024-2025 Fall Term Second Foreign Language Resit Exam Schedule.pdf
Dear Students,FENS 2024-2025 Fall Semester Final Exam Schedule is attached below. We wish you all success.2024-2025 Fall Term FENS Final Exams' Schedule.pdf2024-2025 Fall Term Second Foreign Languages' Final Exam Schedule.pdfNote: For courses with the same code and the same course name, such as MATH101, PHYS101, taught by different instructors, be sure to check the instructor of the course and your department to avoid confusion.
Üsküdar University Students Continue to Compete with Their Ideas: The 2nd Elevator Pitch Competition Held SuccessfullyAs we bid farewell to 2024, the second "Elevator Pitch Competition" was held within the scope of the course "BEN354 Special Topics in Bioengineering" given by Dr. Ayla Arslan, a faculty member of the Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics (English), on December 30th at the Kuleli Hall, Central Campus.The competition drew attention as an important event aimed at encouraging students from the Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences to adopt entrepreneurial culture in high-tech fields, as well as sustainability goals. It also helped students develop their project ideas by addressing the components of the 4th industrial revolution and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, raising awareness, and improving their communication and teamwork skills. The moderation of the competition was handled by İrem Olgun, Research Assistant in Molecular Biology and Genetics. The jury members included Prof. Dr. Osman Çerezci, Dr. Shirin Tarbiat, Dr. Nazmiye Kopacak, and Dr. Gamze Uslu. Students participated in the competition in 7 teams, with each group having only 1 minute to present their innovative solution proposals, which were expected to address problems, goals, and high-tech solutions related to Sustainable Development Goals discussed in the course.In the jury evaluation, the mobile application idea for cancer patients, HopeLinkApp, took first place, while PTA-MED, focusing on enzyme-powered motors for drug delivery and targeted therapy, took second place, and the mobile application idea for laboratory management, LabLinker, came in third. HopeLinkApp, which aims to address the challenges of early diagnosis, treatment management, and access to support for cancer patients, supports SDG 3: Good Health and Well-Being of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. According to the Ministry of Health, General Directorate of Public Health, more than 210,000 people are diagnosed with cancer in Turkey every year. The application aims to connect users with healthcare professionals by providing personalized treatment plans and offering fundraising options to alleviate financial burdens. Additionally, by supporting SDG 10: Reduced Inequalities, the app aims to increase equal access to healthcare regardless of patients' geographic locations or financial situations. SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals enables the app to foster innovation in cancer treatment and care by collaborating with healthcare providers, researchers, and communities.The members of the first-place HopeLinkApp team (Kunzul Sikandar, Ahmad Badran, Erdem Bayraktar, Mumtaz Abdikadir, Hala Alashqar), the second-place PTA-MED team (H. Kübra Payza, Ekin Baş, Muteber F. Şenocak, Eren Baltacı, Yavuz Selim Akıllı), and the third-place LabLinker team (Ferhan M. Yılmaz, Şeyma Kurt, Zehra Kaymaz, Nurefşan Artar, Afra Sümeyra Gülmez, Meryem Doğan) received their awards from the jury members. At the end of the competition, all the students who took the course and participated in the competition immortalized the event by taking a group photo.
2024-2025 Academic Year Fall Term Final Exams;Please fill out the attached form regarding your conflicting exam. You must take the exam of the course belonging to your department among your courses with overlapping exams (first, the exam of the course taken below must be taken) on the day and time of the exam.You must take the overlapping exam of your Double Major, Minor or course taken from outside the department on the same day, at the time determined by the course instructor.You must have the Overlap Exam Notice Form ( OVERLAP EXAM NOTICE FORM.pdf) , which you will fill out as an attachment to the exam of your departmental course, signed by the instructor of the course, and you must deliver the signed form to the instructor with whom you will take the exam, by hand or via e-mail or STIX, 17:00 on Wednesday, 15.01.2025.We wish you success in your exams.
2024- 2025 Fall Semester Rectorate Common Courses Final Exams are planned to be held on Thursday - Friday, January 16 - 17, 2025 between 17:30 - 19:20. The final exam will be proctored in the classrooms as in other courses as required by the legislation. You will be able to find out in which campus and in which hall you will take the exam and the exam rules by looking at the announcements to be made on STIX one week before the exam. Students are required to take the exam in the classrooms with their names and student numbers. Therefore, make sure to find out the campus and the classroom where you will take the exam before the exam. We wish you success.RECTORATE ANNOUNCEMENT OF FINAL EXAMS FOR COMMON COMPULSORY COURSES 2024-2025 FALL SEMESTERGünler16 OCAK 2025 PERŞEMBE17 OCAK 2025 CUMASaatÖğrencilerLİSANS Programları ÖğrencileriÖN LİSANS Programları ÖğrencileriDerslerAtatürk İlkeleri ve İnkılap Tarihi I (ATA103)Atatürk İlkeleri ve İnkılap Tarihi I (ATA103)17:30-18:00Türk Dili I (TÜRK DİLİ 103)Türk Dili I (TÜRK DİLİ 103)18:10-18:40İngilizce I (ING103)İngilizce I (INGU103)18:50-19:20
RECTORATE COMMON COMPULSORY COURSES MIDTERM MAKE-UP EXAMS ANNOUNCEMENT 2024-2025 FALL SEMESTER2024 - 2025 Fall Semester Midterm Make-up Exams of the Rectorate Common Courses are planned to be held on Thursday, December 12, 2024 between 17:30 - 19:20. The midterm make-up exam will be administered in the classrooms with a proctor as in other courses in accordance with the legislation. The exams of undergraduate and associate degree students will be held on the same day and at the same time. The exam will be held in Central Campus C Block -1 Aziz Sancar Hall. Students will be able to learn by looking at the announcements to be made on STIX the day before the exam. Students must take the exam in the hall with their names and student numbers.We wish you success.RECTORATE COMMON COMPULSORY COURSES MIDTERM MAKE-UP EXAMS ANNOUNCEMENT 2024-2025 FALL SEMESTERGünler12 Aralık 2024 Perşembe12 Aralık 2024 PerşembeSaatÖğrencilerLİSANS Programları ÖğrencileriÖN LİSANS Programları ÖğrencileriDerslerAtatürk İlkeleri ve İnkılap Tarihi I (ATA103)Atatürk İlkeleri ve İnkılap Tarihi I (ATA103)(Alttan alanlar için ATA101)17:30-18:00Türk Dili I (TÜRK DİLİ 103)Türk Dili I (TÜRK DİLİ 103)(Alttan alanlar için TURK101)18:10-18:40İngilizce I (ING103)İngilizce I (INGU103)(Alttan alanlar için INGU101)18:50-19:20
Dear Students,FENS 2024-2025 Fall Semester Midterm Exam Schedules are attached below. We wish you all success.2024-2025 Fall Term FENS Midterm Schedule.pdf2024-2025 Fall Term Second Foreign Languages Midterm Schedule .xlsxNote: For courses with the same code and the same course name, such as MATH101, MATH203, taught by different instructors, be sure to check the instructor of the course and your department to avoid confusion.
2024-2025 Academic Year Fall Term Midterm Exams;Students who cannot attend the exams due to valid excuses (illness, etc.) must upload their Make-Up Exam Request petitions and relevant evidence documents to the Student Petition System Tuesday, December 3, 2024, at 17:00. You can log in to the system with your student e-mail address and password that you use in ALMS/STIX.Make-up Exams will be held between 09-15 December 2024 on the day and time determined by the course instructor, and you can learn the details through the course instructor's announcements.We wish you success in your exams.
Dear Students,Please fill out the attached form if you have any conflict during your midterm exams. You must take the exam of the course belonging to your department among your courses with overlapping exams (first, the exam of the course taken from previous years must be taken) on the day and time of the exam.You must take the overlapping exam of your Double Major, Minor or course taken from outside the department on the same day, at the time determined by the course instructor. You must have the Overlap Exam Notice Form, which you will fill out as an attachment to the exam of your departmental course, signed by the instructor of the course, and you must deliver the signed form to the instructor with whom you will take the exam, by hand or via e-mail or STIX, until 17:00 on Friday, 15.11.2024. We wish you success in your exams.OVERLAP EXAM NOTICE FORM.pdf
Attention to students who will take ISG401 İş Sağlığı ve Güvenliği I (2 ECTS) and OHS401 Occupational Health and Safety I (2 ECTS):1. In the Spring Semester of the 2024-2025 Academic Year, ISG404 İş Sağlığı ve Güvenliği and OHS404 Occupational Health and Safety courses will be opened as 4 ECTS.2. Students who took and passed the OHS401 course will take the OHS404 course as 2 ECTS instead of the OHS402 course. However, students who failed or did not take the OHS401 course will take it as 4 ECTS.3. Students who want to register for ISG401 İş Sağlığı ve Güvenliği I (2 ECTS) and OHS401 Occupational Health and Safety I (2 ECTS) courses can take the course by discussing their situation with their academic advisor in light of the above explanations or they can take a 4 ECTS credit course to be opened in the spring semester.
1. As previously announced, according to the decision taken by the University Senate, all exams will be held face-to-face. Students who cannot take their exams face-to-face can apply for a registration freeze via the link ( The deadline for applying for a registration freeze request is November 15, 2024.2. As of Monday, November 4, 2024, which is the 5th week of the Academic Year, students who registered for late courses may take a make-up exam provided that they submit a petition in advance via the link ( Students who cannot attend the midterm exam due to their excuses can apply for a make-up exam provided that they submit a petition and its attachment (health report, etc.) via the link ( The deadline for applying is November 29, 2024.4. Students who cannot complete their course registrations before the midterm exams can request to freeze their registration via the link ( The deadline for requesting to freeze your registration is November 15, 2024.