Within the scope of our Faculty's Industrial Engineering (English) Department Seminar, Dr. Osman Murat Anlı's presentation titled "Supply Chain Management" will be held on Saturday, 22.03.2025 at 11:00 via the zoom program link below.
Link: https://zoom.us/j/2801526450?pwd=V1I3SGljS2JLTS9HWjRLUDBuKzFIZz09
Meeting ID: 280 152 6450
Passcode: 207660
Seminar Announcement
Saturday, March 22, 2025 11:00 Online Zoom Meeting
Supply Chains: Business vs Consumer Perspectives
Dr. Osman Murat Anlı
An introductory presentation on the fundamentals of supply chains and their operational management will be given, specifically designed help orient freshmen students within their profession. The main objective of this presentation is to raise awareness on how we, as consumers, interact with supply chains in our daily lives through major and minor brands of in automotive, fashion apparel, groceries, electronics, and other industries. Examples will include global operations of well-known brands. A secondary objective is to highlight potential career paths in the field of supply chain management for prospective graduates. This session will provide an overview of the core components of a supply chain, including procurement, manufacturing, warehousing, distribution, and the retail operations. We will discuss the interconnected nature of these elements and examine how they contribute to the efficient flow of goods and services. This seminar is open to all majors not just the Industrial Engineering students, no prior knowledge is necessary.