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Social Work - About

Within the framework of social welfare services, social service agencies, particularly the disadvantaged groups (disabled, elderly, etc.)., Including child welfare, youth services, family preservation, education and social welfare services in areas such as the provision of justice is a tool. Efficient and effective use of this tool for the scientific level of service staff of trained professionals are needed.

Social services program, the possibilities available to them in the society, and they are still people in distress they use their facilities which help in the best way.

Social services program, which is the basis of education, economics, sociology, political science, social anthropology, psychology and social psychology courses is two years. The main purpose of these core courses, students in these fields as systematic disciplines does not teach you to gain an understanding of human needs and social problems. As well as the introduction of social service, social service areas, social problems, interview techniques, medical and psychiatric social services, family and child welfare, crime, population dynamics and social welfare, social work methods (social and personal work, social group work, community work, social welfare and social service management research) courses are taught within the scope of the social service.

Personal and social problems and social understanding of deep self-interested and continuously improve the social service area for people looking for a career can be interesting and satisfying. Social services, understanding, interested in the welfare of the people, for the people who have leadership qualities, and a variety of amenities that provide a new profession.

Social workers, social services of the Ministry of Family and Social Policies, central and provincial administrations, the Ministry of Health hospitals, guidance and research centers of

the Ministry of National Education, the Ministry of Labour and Social Security and Employment Authority, DPT, a private rehabilitation centers, non-governmental organizations that provide services to disadvantaged groups, (hearing and visually impaired, schools, child care centers, orphanages, kindergartens and day care centers, nursing homes, reformatories), under the Ministry of Justice prisons and probation offices , related to family planning organizations, local governments and social welfare departments of social services.

Associate Degree in Vocational Schools and Open Education Graduates Graduates are also studying “the continuation of the” Regulation on the areas of use of the provisions of vertical transmission if the quota is opened Exam (DGS) and gain the right to enroll in undergraduate programs...

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