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Physiotherapy - About

A physical therapist is a health care provider who has the autonomy  to evaluate, measure, and treat patients during injury, illness, birth defect, mobility system defect, or pain and function defects caused by other reasons.

Physiotherapy Technician, the patient or the lives of people with disabilities, healthy, in order to become independent in activities of daily living, physical therapy, exercise supervision of applications, together with the physician and physical therapist is a person who.

In parallel with the increase in life expectancy in our country and around the world increasingly aging societies. Aging and the need to increase both traffic and industrial accidents increases the need for physical therapy and rehabilitation services. Physiotherapy and rehabilitation is carried out by a large team.

Additionally they can treat people’s functional limitations, pain, physical challenges and talents. After identifying these problems, according to a physician’s diagnosis, a physical therapist reports and plans a physical therapy and rehabilitation program to improve the functional capacity of patients, applies different exercises and reports them again to help healthy patients maintain their health. The aim of this program is to train physical therapists who are qualified, has love for a country and people, responsible for his/her community.

The main objective of the program of physical therapy and rehabilitation, injury, and congenital or acquired by the physician for any reason, diagnosis or treatment by a physiotherapist to provide the patients with the necessary physical therapy and rehabilitation program.

Physical therapists, who are in demand both in Turkey and the rest of the world, can be employed at both public and private hospitals, rehabilitation centers, ortez-prothesis units, schools, industrial fields, sport clubs, homes for the aged, vocational rehabilitation centers, thermal springs, thermal hotels, handicapped centers/schools, finance centers, etc.

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