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Medical Imaging Techniques - About

What is Medical Imaging Techniques Program?

Medical Imaging Technician; It informs the patients about the radiological examination and prepares them, ensures the radiation safety and privacy of the patient during the examination, and the confidentiality of the patient information after the examination. By keeping track of the periodic maintenance and repairs of the medical fixtures he/she is responsible for, communicating the situation to the department officers or the biomedical unit in case of malfunctions, it keeps a record of the operations and archives the examinations regularly.

Medical Imaging Techniques perform the radiological examinations requested by the physician with the most appropriate shooting protocols. By accepting the patients in order of priority, it ensures that the examinations are sent to the relevant departments.

Having a Key Role in Early Diagnosis and Treatment

The Medical Imaging Techniques Program, which provides formal and secondary education, aims to make the correct diagnosis and treatment of diseases. Early diagnosis and treatment of diseases is extremely important for the society to be composed of healthy individuals. In the early diagnosis and treatment process, medical imaging methods provide valuable data. It is possible for medical imaging methods to reach their target efficiently with the presence of a well-trained team.

What are the Courses in the Medical Imaging Techniques Program?

In the Medical Imaging Techniques Program, in the first and second semesters, besides Distance Education courses, department courses are also provided. In the first semester; Ataturk's Principles and History of Turkish Revolution I, Turkish Language I, English I are taught as distance education; There are Basic Anatomy, Physiology, Radiological Imaging Methods I, Radiological Imaging Physics, Positive Psychology and Communication Skills, and University Culture I courses. In the second semester, Ataturk's Principles and History of Revolution II, Turkish Language II, English II, along with distance education courses, Basic Pharmacology, Biological Effects of Radiation, Radiological Imaging Methods II, Radiation Safety and Protection and University Culture II courses.

In the third and fourth semesters, departmental courses and field applications are more prevalent. In the third semester, besides Radiological Imaging Methods III, Nuclear Medicine, Radiological Anatomy, Professional Ethics, Communication in Healthcare Institutions and Professional English in Radiology, students have the opportunity to experience what they have learned during the semester in a clinical setting. In the fourth semester; Radiology Imaging Methods IV, Basic Radiotherapy, Public Health, First Aid and Health Law courses are continuing as well as Field Applications.

What are the Fields of Study of Medical Imaging Techniques Graduates?

Those who successfully complete the Medical Imaging Techniques Program are awarded with an associate degree diploma with the title of "Health Technician". Working areas, on the other hand, have a very important and wide area in the health sector. There are areas of study in the units such as direct films (X-ray), Computed Tomography, Magnetic Resonance, Mammography, or in the preparation and application of patients undergoing radiation therapy, and in various units of the Nuclear Medicine department.

Graduates who have received the title of “Medical Imaging Technician” can find jobs in institutions and organizations affiliated to the Ministry of Health, university hospitals, private hospitals, private imaging centers and polyclinics.

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