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To the attention of the 3rd grade students of Industrial Engineering

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  • To the attention of the 3rd grade students of Industrial Engineering

To the attention of the 3rd grade students of Industrial Engineering,

IE436-Healthcare Quality Management is also offered as a departmental elective for the 3rd grade students. You can choose one of IE436-Healthcare Quality Management, IE303- Leadership and Communication Skills or IE324-Engineering Management as your departmantive elective course. There will be no more increasement for quotas. For students who have already sent their curriculum to approval can make changings on their departmantive elective courses during the add-drop period if the quotes allows.

In addition, 3rd year students who have never taken the RPRE104-Entrepreneurship and Project Culture course must add that course to their list. For students who have already sent their curriculum to approval can add this course to themselves during the add-drop period.

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