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5G Technologies and Human Health by Prof. Dr. Selim ŞEKER

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Start date : 06 Ocak 2022, 10:00:00 - 00:00:00

5G Technologies and Human Health by Prof. Dr. Selim ŞEKER

Speaker: Prof. Selim ŞEKER Date: 6 January 2022 Time: 10.00 am

Uskudar University IEEE Student Club organized a seminar on "5G Technologies and Human Health" on January 6, 2022 in Kuleli Meeting Hall. Prof. Selim Şeker as Head of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department participated in this event. He shared remarkable information about 5G technologies. The development of this new technology was elaborated, and the effects of its on human health, animals and the environment were shared with the participants in respect of some scientific studies. Prof. Selim Şeker also mentioned about his professional experiences and at the end of the session he replied all questions of the participants.

Created Date : 22 Mart 2022

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