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Green Transformation Animal Rights and Veganism Summit in the World of Science

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Event information
Start date : 09 Aralık 2023, 10:30:00 - 17:30:00

A program called "Green Transformation Animal Rights and Veganism Summit in the World of Science" will be organized by the Molecular Biology and Genetics Club under the leadership of the Department of Health, Culture and Sports, on Saturday, December 09, at 10:30 in the Central Campus A Block Nermin Tarhan Conference Hall. Prof. Dr. Muhsin Konuk, Melike Dirikoç from Vegan Earth, Dr. Kaya Bilgüvar, Dietician Bilge Sever, Dr. Ayşenur Çetinkaya Yıldırım, Funda Uğraş, Gizem Kalak and Dr. İlter Yenidede will also participate in the program to make his presentations. We would be pleased to have you participate in our event, where various aspects of animal rights and veganism philosophy will be discussed by many experts.

Subject of the Event: Green Transformation in the World of Science Animal Rights and Veganism Summit

Speakers of the event: Prof. Dr. Muhsin Konuk, Melike Dirikoç, Dr. Kaya Bilgüvar, Dietician Bilge Sever, Dr. Ayşenur Çetinkaya Yıldırım, Funda Uğraş, Gizem Kalak, Dr. İlter Yenidede

Date and Time of the Event: 09.12.2023, 10:30 - 17:30

Event Location: Nermin Tarhan Conference Hall


Created Date : 17 Ocak 2024

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