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Faculty of Medicine - Uskudar University, Bachelor's, Degree Programs Quality Assurance System


1. Our Quality Policy

The quality policy of our faculty was established based on CoHE (YOK) Quality Assurance System and Uskudar University 2019-2023 Strategic Plan and includes the following basic principles:

CoHE (YOK) adopts an educational teaching understanding of quality assurance principles. Establishment of course traits and lessons programs within the framework of this understanding.

Consists of academicians in the field of educational staff. To be assigned to academic staff, they are compatible with the program to be appointed in terms of scientific broadcast performance and professional experience.

Processing of courses with current and generally accepted bibliography, supporting the Navy with the student's wide literature knowledge.

An understanding of education instructions to be included in the courses to create general cultural accumulation in the student.

Critical, interrogative, open to innovations, the educational quality of education for the cultivation of creative people.

An understanding of education in compliance with society and world facts. Elective Courses with Current Topics.

Allowing students to strengthen social identities.

In addition to professional equipment, the cultivation of individuals who are sensitive to country and world problems, to work for the benefit of humanity.

An educational teaching policy that suits the moral values of the ethical principles, which have moral values in professional requirements and professional life.

An understanding of education in cooperation with world universities.

2. Our Values

We have established our education instructional policy in light of the following values as Uskudar University Faculty of Medicine:

An understanding based on the values determined throughout Uskudar University.

Strengthens respect for general human values,

To reinforce the love of country and country,

Who cares about objectivity in science,

Uncompromising on the principle of justice and equality,

Treats all people equally, regardless of race, gender, ethnicity, language, religion, etc.

Student-oriented, adopting student satisfaction as a basic principle,

An understanding based on human understanding first, allows the working personnel (academic and administrative) to work in peace and security.

3. Our Basic Strategy

Student-oriented in the Faculty of Medicine; a management strategy based on student and employee satisfaction, coordinated with internal and external stakeholders, has been adopted. Sharing is important at all levels of education and decision-making. Transparency of management and decision-making processes is important. The principles of the CoHE (YOK) Quality Assurance System are based on the determination of education and management strategies; It is careful not to compromise the human-oriented approach of Uskudar University. Student and Rector Meetings, Student and Staff Satisfaction Surveys, and Solution Center applications are concrete indicators of this understanding and strategy.

4. Quality Management System and Elements

4.1. Faculty Management, Boards, and Commissions

 The management of the Faculty of Medicine is in the form of deans, assistant deans, department heads, faculty secretaries, faculty executive board, faculty board, commissions, and coordinatorships established in special areas.

The Faculty Quality Board, which is formed by the dean of the faculty following the principles of the CoHE (YOK) Quality Assurance Regulation and within the framework of the principles determined by the Quality Board of Uskudar University, is the central element of the Quality Management System.

5. Quality Assurance System 

5.1. Quality Culture

Quality is primarily culture and to establish this culture, the system must be created very effectively and the functioning must be maintained. Based on this awareness, the Quality Board of the Faculty of Medicine is in constant cooperation with the stakeholders to ensure, maintain and improve the quality of education through seminars, symposiums, panels, and workshops with the participation of professionals from the sector. At the same time, CoHE (YOK) Quality Assurance Regulation principles are taken into consideration to make this quality culture systemic.

5.2. PUKO Cycle

Education and all academic activities in the Faculty of Medicine are operated based on the PUKO cycle. Accordingly, CoHE (YOK) Quality Assurance is operated with these collaborations and coordination in the implementation process and educational and academic activities planned in coordination with business stakeholders by taking external stakeholder opinions. For example, satisfaction surveys applied to students provide feedback on education and reorganize the practices on the disrupted sides. Quality of education, course schedules, and instructor performance are constantly measured and disrupted aspects are strengthened. Care is taken to strengthen education through meetings and meetings with external stakeholders. Thus, the planning, implementation, control, and precautionary stages are continuously monitored and the PUKO cycle is operated most efficiently.

5.3. Stakeholder and Sharing

Stakeholders and sharing in quality are important. In the Faculty of Medicine, a management and operating approach has been adopted and implemented in coordination with internal stakeholders and in cooperation with external stakeholders. Student satisfaction surveys, solution center notifications, Meetings with the Rector, meetings of department heads with students, and dean and student meetings are important practices for working with internal stakeholders.

5.5. Monitoring and Improvement Process

It is important to continuously monitor, observe and eliminate any problems to continuously improve the quality process in education and to continue strengthening. For this purpose, the continuous update of the literature monitors in the Faculty of Medicine, in line with the redirection of the Quality Board of the Quality Assembly, the solutions to the problems reflected in the student satisfaction surveys, the continuous communication of the Solution Center Feedback and the Resolution-Oriented Assessment of the interior communication network with STIX, and the instant of disruptions to the instant of disruptions and Solution is ensured that the continuous control of education teaching physics conditions is to be managed and the relevant processes for the instant determination of the needs.

To maintain the online education process initiated with the epidemic in a synchronized and effective manner, appropriate technological and systemic conditions are ensured, online and face-to-face education options are organized in the most appropriate way for the student to learn and these processes are managed without interruption for both the instructor and the student, and for this purpose, continuous communication is ensured.

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