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Faculty of Medicine - Uskudar University, Bachelor's, Degree Programs Main Principles


Planning the Mission and Goals of the Faculty

Implementation of Management and Organization processes to realize the Mission and Goals of the Faculty

Establishing and controlling assurances that the Faculty achieves its Mission and Goals

Measures based on continuous improvement to protect the development and competitive advantage of the faculty

Planning the Mission and Goals of the Faculty


To educate modern physicians and scientists who are able to use the scientific techniques and technologies of the era as necessary in order to improve human health in our country and in other countries, respect the values of individuals and societies, carry out research and development activities that will benefit our country and humanity as well as to contribute to the provision of health services that will meet the needs of the society.


To be a preferred medical faculty that is respected for its studies in terms of education, research and development, health services and which will always be renewed and will stand out in the scientific field.

Objective1: Strengthening Education and Training

Goal 1: Improving student motivation and achievement level

Goal 2: Increasing the competencies of the instructors every year

Goal 3: Increasing educational materials (models, etc.), social, cultural and sportive activities

Goal 4: Increasing distance and continuous education activities within the scope of lifelong learning principle

Objective 2: Developing Institutional Capacity

Goal 1: Establishment of a management information system that will enable faculty activities to be more effective and efficient.

Goal 2: Developing organizational functioning, human resources and corporate culture

Goal 3: Improvement and development of the physical structure

Goal 4: Providing faster and easier access to information by improving library services

Objective 3: Developing Internationalization

Goal 1: Increasing the international experience of students and staff

Goal 2: Creating a multicultural and international faculty and campus environment

Goal 3: Increasing the international quality of education and training

Goal 4: Making the Faculty of Medicine an academic center of attraction both at national and international level

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