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Faculty of Medicine - Uskudar University, Bachelor's, Degree Programs Administrative System


1. Structure of Management and Administrative Units 

Our faculty is structured following the Regulation on Academic Organization in Universities, which regulates the relations of sub-units related to the academic organization, functioning, duties, powers, and responsibilities of the university units stipulated in the Higher Education Law No. 2547. Accordingly;


Article 8.

a) Designation:

The dean, who is the representative of the faculty and its units, is elected by the Higher Education Council for three years among the three professors from inside or outside the university, which the rector will recommend, and is appointed in the normal manner. The expired dean can be reassigned. The dean selects up to two of the faculty's monthly faculty members as his assistant dean to help him with his studies. Assistant deans are appointed by the dean for a maximum of three years. The dean can change his assistants if he deems it necessary. When the dean's term ends, his aides' duties are terminated. When the dean is not on duty, one of his deputies acts as a proxy. If the power of attorney lasts more than six months, a new dean will be appointed.

b) Duties, powers, and responsibilities: 

1. To chair faculty boards, implement the decisions of faculty boards, and ensure regular work between faculty units,

2. To report to the rector about the general situation and functioning of the faculty at the end of each academic year and when requested,

3. To inform the rectorate about the funding and staff needs of the faculty together with the grounds, to submit the proposal regarding the faculty budget to the rectorate after receiving the opinion of the faculty board of directors,

4. To maintain the duty of general supervision and supervision on the units of the faculty and its staff at all levels,

5. To perform other duties given to him by laws and regulations.

The Dean; Is primarily responsible to the rector for the rational use and development of the teaching capacity of the faculty and its affiliated units, by taking security measures when necessary, providing the necessary social services to students, in carrying out regular conduct of educational, scientific research and publication activities, in carrying out supervision and supervision of all activities, in monitoring and controlling and obtaining its results.

Faculty Board

Article 9.

a) Organization and operation: The faculty board consists of the heads of the departments affiliated with the faculty under the chairmanship of the dean, the directors of the graduate-schools and colleges affiliated with the faculty, if any, and a faculty member to be selected from among themselves by the professors in the faculty for three years, two to be selected from among themselves by the associate professors, and by the assistant professors to choose from among themselves. The faculty board held its regular meetings at the beginning and end of each semester. The Dean invites the faculty board to a meeting if he deems it necessary.

b) Duties: The faculty board is an academic body and performs the following tasks:

1. To decide on the educational, scientific research, and publication activities of the faculty and the principles related to these activities, plans, programs, and educational calendar,

2. To elect a member of the faculty board of directors,

3. To perform other duties given by laws and regulations.

Faculty Board of Directors 

Article 10.

a) Organization and operation: The faculty board consists of three professors, two associate professors, and an assistant professor, who will be elected by the faculty board for three years under the chairmanship of the dean. The board of directors of the faculty meets at the urging of the dean. The Board of Directors can establish temporary working groups, and educational coordinatorships and regulate their duties if it deems necessary.

b) Duties: The board of directors of the faculty is an auxiliary body to the dean in administrative activities and performs the following duties:

1. To assist the dean in the implementation of the principles determined by the decisions of the faculty board,

2. To ensure the implementation of the academic calendar with the education, plans, and programs of the faculty,

3. Preparing the investment, program, and budget bill of the faculty,

4. To make decisions about all the work that the dean will bring concerning the management of the faculty,

5. To make decisions about the acceptance, course adjustments, and removals of students and their procedures for education and examinations,

6. To perform other duties given by laws and regulations.

2. Resources Management

Our faculty has a system compatible with the management system of our University to ensure that it uses all of its human resources, financial resources, and immovable resources effectively and efficiently. 

3. Information Management System 

The information management system of our faculty is accessible. Faculty activities are made visible and accessible on our Web page. Information and documents for the internal and external evaluation process are collected in the information system and the security and privacy management of the data is carried out by the Information Technology Directorate.

4. Quality of Out-of-House Services

The procurement process of non-institutional services is planned and implemented by the relevant commissions. In-house opinions on services and feedback from relevant units are provided to ensure quality and continuity of services based on the criteria determined by our university regarding the procurement process.

5. Public Information 

Information about our faculty is shared with the public through our web page and media organizations.

6. Effectiveness and Accountability of Management

The efficiency of management and administrative staff is measured through the Employee Satisfaction Survey conducted periodically at our university. (See Employee Satisfaction Survey File) However, our rector, vice-chancellor, dean, and faculty members meet with all students of the faculty and directly share the requests, demands, evaluations, and suggestions of the students under the title Of Meetings with the Rector twice each academic year.

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