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Course Registration Procedures

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Course Registration Procedures

2023-2024 Academic Year Fall Semester Faculty of Medicine students will be enrolled between September 18-October 1, 2023.


Course add-drop procedures will be held between October 2-8, 2023. (Course selections can also be made on these dates.)

Course registration procedures for our first-grade students are done automatically. Our first-grade students do not have to take any action regarding course registration. It is only required that our first-grade students must control their course assignment by entering the Student Information System.

Process Order


1- Our students will choose the courses they will take this semester through the course selection screen in the Student Information System (OBS).
2- Our students will confirm their online course registrations and submit them to their advisors for online approval.

3- Students who want to consult their advisor about course registration can contact them via the STIX system via messaging or from the e-mail addresses of their advisor.


For your questions about course registration, you can first contact your advisors.

Student counseling procedures will be carried out in accordance with the provisions of our University Student Counseling Directive.


Important Notes for Faculty of Medicine Students:

  • Course registration procedures for our first-grade students are done automatically. Our first-grade students do not have to take any action regarding course registration. It is only required that our first-grade students must control their course assignment by entering the Student Information System.
  • Only second-grade, third-grade,  fourth-grade and fifth students will complete course registration procedures via the Student Information System (OBS).
  • Our students must first register for the courses which they failed in the previous semesters and they did not take before. During the registration for these courses, the previous semester order is followed. Other determined courses are taken instead of the courses taken from the curriculum and not opened.
  • The course load of our students per semester is 30 ECTS and the maximum course load is 45 ECTS.
  • Students cannot take the courses that are not approved by their advisors.
  • With the approval of their advisors, students can register again to the courses they have taken before to increase their grade. Regardless of the previous grade, the final grade will be valid for these courses.
  • First-grade students cannot take courses from the consecutive semesters.
  • Students with a GPA of 3.00 and above can take one course from the next year with the approval of the advisor, and students with a GPA of 3.50 and above can take two courses from the beginning of the third semester, provided that they have successfully completed all the courses in the previous semesters.


Courses that are opened for our foreign students are as follows:

TURK111 Turkish Language I (Lecturer Selçuk Duman - The language of the course is Turkish and its content is leveled according to students)
ATA111 Principles of Atatürk and History of Revolutions I (Lecturer Erhan Bektaş - The language of the course is English and its content is leveled according to students.).

These courses will only be given as distance education courses in the 2022-2023 Fall semester. After taking the course, you can contact the lecturer of the relevant course for your problems and questions.

Those who want to take the courses in Turkish, which are Turkish Language and Principles of Atatürk and History of Revolutions that are opened for our foreign students, can apply their advisors or related lecturers to change their courses.

TURK101 Turkish Language I - Lecturer Selçuk Duman

ATA101 Principles of Atatürk and History of Revolutions I - Lecturer Erhan Bektaş


Important Notes for Students of the Faculty of Medicine: 

  • Our students of the Faculty of Medicine can register their courses between September 18- October 1, 2023. Course add-drops will be done between October 2-8, 2023. (Course selections can also be made on these dates.)
  • Course registration procedures for our first-grade students are done automatically. Our first-grade students do not have to take any action regarding course registration. It is only required that our first-grade students must control their course assignment by entering the Student Information System.
  • Only second-grade, third-grade, fourth-grade and fifth-grade students will complete course registration procedures via the Student Information System (OBS).



Course Registration Procedures
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To the Attention of Our New Registered Students:

Your Automation Username: Your School Number

Password: Your name’s first letter as capital, Your Turkish ID number and asterisk symbol (*) (A12345678901*)

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