Prof. Dr. Deniz Ülke ARIBOĞAN, one of the Founding Members of the Women in Technology Association (wtech)...
Prof. Dr. Deniz Ülke ARIBOĞAN is one of the Founding Members of the Women in Technology Association (wtech) and carries out important work. Bringing the words "Technology" and "Woman" together, wtech association was founded on January 31, 2019 by 360+ Media Interactive Technologies Agency President Zehra Öney, who has been working in the technology sector for many years and has achieved numerous innovations in Turkey. The association carries out its work with the mottos "We Provide End-to-End Fully Equipped Training to Future Leaders" and "We Support Education in Technology, Research & Measurement in Turkey and Sustainability in the World". The association, which carries out its work within the following 3 main focuses, expands its audience through the membership system and continues various project activities.
Research & Measurement
wtech Association web site link: