Gender Equality Action Plan



Based on the principle of "equal pay for work of equal value", gender equality aims to eliminate discrimination and inequality between women and men occurring in different societies, and it goes back to the Treaty of Rome which was adopted in 1957. With this concept adopted by the EU, the following matters which are clearly defined are as follows: Equal economic independence for women and men; equal pay for work of equal value; equality in decision making; dignity, honesty and ending gender-based violence. (EU Strategic Engagement for Gender Equality 2016-2019). Therefore, Gender equality is the name given to the whole processes carried out to provide equality between women and men in terms of legal and economic rights, especially in the public and private areas. The gender equality action plan of Üsküdar University is prepared for the purpose of identifying the disadvantaged positions of women in society and solving these problems.
This purpose is expressed in Article 10 of the Turkish Constitution as follows: “All individuals are equal without any discrimination before the law, irrespective of language, race, color, sex, political opinion, philosophical belief, religion and sect, or any such considerations. Article 10 of the Constitution directly reveals that ensuring gender equality is the positive obligation of the state and guarantees that affirmative action will not mean discrimination. (Additional paragraph: 7/5/2004-5170/Article 1)".

The implementation of this action plan covering a four-year period (2022-2026) will be committed, executed and monitored by the University Senate. It will be reviewed and updated based on the evaluation of the implementation results.
Objective and Scope: It is aimed to enable equality between the genders of men and women in rights and opportunities and to fight against discrimination. It covers informing society besides students, faculty member and all employees within the university and R&D studies within its scope.
1. To carry out studies and works (conferences, seminars, meetings and events) in order to raise awareness on gender equality,
2. To Increase the number of compulsory or elective courses which will be under the same or different title of the course “Gender Equality and Fighting Against Discrimination” that is an elective course in our curriculum in accordance with the decision to be taken by the authorized council,
3. To meet the requirements for informing on sexual harassment and sexual assault, accessible application points and other requirements (illuminating spaces, transportation, etc.) to ensure a safe living space in the campuses,
4. To encourage participation of directors, academic/administrative personnel and students in education and training programs on gender equality,
5. To monitor works and studies on gender equality,
6. To carry out works to improve functionality and working style of the Health, Culture and Sports and units such as Solution Focused Women's Problems Research and Application Center, Fight Against Violence and Crime, Forensic Science and Forensic Medicine within our University in order to realize these objectives.

Grounds: Article 10 of the Turkish Constitution and Law No 6284, Üsküdar University Directive on Prevention of Harassment and Discrimination

OBJECTİVE I. Carrying out studies and works (conferences, seminars, meetings and events) in order to raise awareness on gender equality
Action Strategy Responsible Unit Period Monitoring/Performance indicator/criterion
1. Ensuring adoption of the Action Plan by the related units within the University and cooperation • Workshops will be held which student representatives and authorized representatives from Faculty/Institute/VSHS, Solution Focused Women's Problems Research and Application Center (ÜSÇÖZÜM), Department of Corporate Communication and Directorate of Health, Culture and Sports. Presidency
Health, Culture and Sports (HCS)
Corporate Communication

2022-2026 List of action plan "key people"
2. Supporting the projects on gender equality (scientific research and thesis etc.) • Initiatives will be taken on gender equality research/thesis in order to be supported by the Coordination Unit of Scientific Research Projects (BAP). It is aimed that minimum one research project is supported every year within the determine period.

• Meetings/workshop will be held where postgraduation thesis/scientific Project on gender equality will be presented.
2022-2026 The number of projects supported by BAP within the scope of gender equality

The number of meetings/workshops on presentation of research project
3. Supporting social responsibility projects regarding gender equality • It will be provided that social responsibility project on gender equality will be supported by BAP and ARGEYEP. It is aimed that minimum one social responsibility project will be supported every year within the relevant period.
• It will be provided that social responsibility projects on gender equality that will be carried out by the student communities will be supported by the Health, Culture and Sports.
Related Faculties
2022-2026 The number of social responsibility projects supported within this scope
4. Encouraging and supporting academic personnel and students to prepare brochure, poster, film on gender equality • Contests will be held to encourage this kind of works and preparation of films, posters, brochures, etc.
Corporate Communication
Related Faculties
2022-2026 The number of short film, posters and brochure supported within this scope
5. Organizing informative meetings for senior and mid- level managers of academic units • Conference and panel meetings will be held.

• Surveys will be prepared for participants of the meeting and panel with the aim to evaluate the event.
2022-2026 The number of participants in meetings and panels
The results of assessment surveys by the participants
6. Preparing public service announcements within the university to develop the awareness on gender equality • It is aimed that public service announcements are prepared in different content/theme. Presidency
Faculty of Communication
Corporate Communication
Related Faculties
2022-2026 The number of public service announcements prepared in campuses
OBJECTIVE II. In accordance with the decision taken by the authorized council, increasing the number of compulsory or elective courses which will be under the same or different title of the course “Gender Equality” that is an elective course in our curriculum
Action Strategy Responsible Unit Period Monitoring/ Performance indicator/criterion
1. Organizing a workshop with volunteer faculty members to increase the number of gender equality courses in associate degree programs and undergraduate programs • It is planned to organize a workshop in campuses and report the results after announcing the workshop to the faculty members.

• It is aimed to create a pool consisting of volunteer faculty member to open gender equality courses (Gender equality education group)
2022-2026 Creating a pool consisting of volunteer faculty members to open gender equality courses (education group on gender equality)
2. Preparing education material for gender equality courses • It is expected that volunteer faculty members will create an education material group to prepare book and visual materials. Presidency

2022-2026 Course Book
Visual material
3. Publishing education materials • It will be planned that the prepared materials will be copied in coordination with ÜÜ Publishing and Publishing Commission. Presidency

Publishing Commission
2022-2026 Publishing book
4.Assesment of courses on gender equality • Organizing an assessment panel where content, education material and application problems are discussed to improve courses on gender equality Gender equality education group

Students of gender equality courses
2022-2026 The final report of the workshop
The final report of assessment surveys
5. Carrying out information works and studies on gender equality • It is planned to hold seminars in campuses at least once a year. ÜSÇÖZÜM 2022-2026  
OBJECTIVE III. Meeting the requirements for informing on sexual harassment and sexual assault, accessible application points and other requirements (illuminating spaces, transportation, etc.) to ensure a safe living space in the campuses
Action Strategy Responsible Unit Period Monitoring/ Performance indicator/criterion
1. Informing on Üsküdar University Directive on Prevention of Harassment and Discrimination • Sharing the directive which was effectuated on 26.01.2017 was published on the Üsküdar University Web site in a way everyone can access, with all units, personnel and students of the university in the related meetings Presidency
2022-2026 The number of personnel Directive on Prevention of Harassment and Discrimination submitted and the number of application
2. Enabling subjects on sexual harassment and sexual assault to be part of books and opened courses on gender equality • It will be enabled that sexual harassment and sexual assault subjects will be within elective gender equality courses. Dean/VSHS Director
Education Commission
2022-2026 The number of students receiving the course
3. Holding meetings to inform on raising awareness on sexual harassment and sexual assault for especially preparatory class and first year students • Within informative works that will be carried out, it will be informed on topics including the definition of sexual harassment and assault, what should be do when you face with sexual harassment and sexual assaults and how to avoid behaviors causing sexual harassment and sexual assault. These informative meetings will be held annually.
Dean/VHSH Director,
2022-2026 The number of informative meetings on sexual harassment and sexual assault
4. Encouraging preparation of posters, brochures, booklets, films against sexual harassment and sexual assault • Making suggestions for projects on preparation of poster, brochure, booklet and film on sexual harassment and sexual assault
• It is aimed to preparing informative content on the related topic on the university web site.
Faculty of Communication
Corporate Communication

Information Technologies
2022-2026 The number of posters, brochures, booklets and films
The number of informative content on the web site
5. Reviewing works on making campuses within the university a safer place against sexual harassment and sexual assault •Illumination of spaces inside the university (determining the spaces which are demanded primarily for illumination)
•Giving awareness education on sexual harassment and sexual assault for the security personnel
Administrative Office
2022-2026 The number of illuminated spaces (increasing by years)

The number of service (increasing by years)

The number of training on sexual harassment and sexual assault given to security personnel
OBJECTIVE IV. Encouraging participation of directors, academic/administrative personnel and students in education and training programs on gender equality
Action Strategy Responsible Unit Period Monitoring/ Performance indicator/criterion
1. Considering gender equality education participation certificates in assignments and promotions • It is aimed that all regulations and guidelines will be reviews in assignment and promotion of academic and administrative personnel and an encouraging article on having a gender equality education participation certificate will be added.
• It is aimed to prepare and execute an education program regarding this objective.
Human Resources
2022-2026 Increasing by 25% in the number of participants from administrative and academic personnel in gender equality education
2. To hold a senate meeting where senior management and senators will attend with the aim to encourage the participation in gender equality education programs • It is aimed to hold a senate meeting on the agenda of gender equality and to publish it. Presidency 2022-2026 The ratio of viewing of the senate meeting
The report of feedbacks by the senators
3. Carrying out works on improvement of working conditions for woman academicians • It will be encouraged to carry out qualitative and quantitative research regarding determination problems faced by women in academics. A workshop will be organized with the aim to make problems experienced by woman academicians visible. A report including the problems of woman academicians will be prepared with this regard. ÜSÇÖZÜM 2022-2026 The report regarding problems of women academicians working within Üsküdar University
OBJECTIVE V. Monitoring works and studies on gender equality
Action Strategy Responsible Unit Period Monitoring/ Performance indicator/criterion
1.Evaluating university strategic plan in terms of gender equality • It is aimed that an assessment report will be prepared by the strategic plan assessment commission. Presidency 2022-2026 Assessment reports
2. Preparing annual report on gender equality within the university • It is planned that gender equality indicator including women’s participation in administrative mechanisms within the university will be reported by evaluating and the report will be announced within and outside of the university.

• It is aimed to create development indicators. It is aimed to present this publishing annually on March 8 and to monitor the development within each year.
Human Resources
2022-2026 Annual assessment reports
Development indicators
OBJECTIVE VI. Carrying out works to improve functionality and working style of the Health, Culture and Sports and units such as Solution Focused Women's Problems Research and Application Center, Fight Against Violence and Crime, Forensic Science and Forensic Medicine within our University
Action Strategy Responsible Unit Period Monitoring/ Performance indicator/criterion
1. Reinforcing Üskğdar University Solution Focused Women's Problems Research and Application Center (ÜSÇÖZÜM), Fight Against Violence and Crime, Forensic Science and Forensic Medicine
• It is aimed to support personnel with the aim to improve studies of the Centers
Presidency 2022-2026 Enabling the administrative supports to the centers
Providing workspace for the center
2. Creating ÜSÇÖZÜM Working Groups • To encourage volunteer faculty members and personnel
• To hold meetings with this purpose
• To coordinate Working Groups
ÜSÇÖZÜM 2022-2026 Establishing working groups
3. Ensuring cooperation with the units within the university
Coordinating works and studies on prevention of gender inequality
• To enable cooperation with other related centers within the university.
• To enable participation of all parties in education programs and research by the centers with a holistic approach

Related centers within Üsküdar University
2022-2026 The number of Joint works carried out with the centers