Directors Message

"Distance Education", which originated with the principle of delivering teaching content to students who cannot physically be found in the same place, has now reached a hybrid structure with the development of technological opportunities and the diversification of instructor student needs.

Students can access teaching material regardless of time and place via real-time or offline access.

The process that first started with sending letters to students on a weekly basis in 1728 now enables the simultaneous sharing of interactive course contents from mobile devices.


In today's world where efficient use of time and resources and high work efficiency are essential, we see the intense contribution of educational technologies in the preparation, presentation and accessibility of resources.

Education technologies focus on both the prepared course contents to meet the teaching objectives, to provide the correct messages visually, and to prepare the content in a way that can adapt to current technologies.

In the process of meeting the need for teaching, accessing teaching content independent of time and place underlines a demand, which has emerged and met in recent years.

Researches show that educational processes, which are partially or even completely carried out by distance education, increase the efficiency of teaching processes with the efficient use of educational technologies and the demand of instructors / students directly contributes to the development of this process.


As Üsküdar University, our distance education practices, which started with our trainings through the Continuing Education Center, continue with the courses in our undergraduate and associate degree programs, and deepen with our graduate programs, enable everyone who wants to receive education and training to benefit from this right in the most effective way.


Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Nuri BİNGÖL

ÜSUZEM Manager
