Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Training

What is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)?

The CBT is a type of psychotherapy that is widely used throughout the world, based on evidence, among the first-line therapies by treatment guidelines for the treatment of many psychiatric disorders and psychological problems.

What is the difference between the CBT and other types of psychotherapy?

There are many types of psychotherapy; Psychoanalysis, psychodynamic-oriented therapies, inter-interpersonal psychotherapy, supportive psychotherapy. The main differences of CBT from these types of therapies are:

  • The sessions have been configured: At the beginning of each session in the CBT, the topic to be discussed in that session is determined by the therapist and the client's business association and this is aimed at working on that subject in that session.
  • There is a shorter duration: The CBT is applied in a manner of about 8-12 sessions in solving many diseases and problems. This period is shorter than many other types of psychotherapy.
  • Therapist/client relationship: The relationship in the CBT requires more active involvement of both sides; it is a relationship in which some skills are taught to the client to troubleshoot the problem.

What psychological theories does the CBT rely on?

CBT has been developed based on cognitive and learning theories. According to cognitive construction, the way in which one interprets the events, not the events that one experiences, leads to some mental distress. The way in which the CBT interprets these events is called automatic thoughts. Automatic thoughts are the thoughts of the person, which are not passed through the logic filter, reactive and quick thinking. Most people do not realize these things, but it is influenced by thoughts. Emotions and behaviors are influenced by these thoughts. One of the main objectives of the CBT is to identify these automated thoughts that are not intended for sleep and/or cause mental distress, and replace them with alternative thoughts that are healthier, logical and functional.

According to the theory of learning, the behavioral response of a person to a specific stimulus is a learned response. If, because of this behavior, you have been able to reach or be saved from the negative situation, this behavior is reinforced. If not, the behavior goes out. In the CBT, behaviors that someone learns over time in the consolidation but disrupts the personality are identified and replaced with those that are healthier, more logical and functional.

What diseases is the CBT effective in treating?

There are many scientific evidences that the CBT is acting alone or in conjunction with psychiatric drugs in the treatment of many mental illnesses. These include depression, anxiety (worry) disorders, somatic symptoms, and eating disorders.

Apart from these diseases, the CBT can also be used in solving many problems that do not reach the size of the mental illness encountered in the daily life of the person.

Who can apply the CBT?

The CBT is not a type of therapy that can be performed with some "inherent" therapies, just like in all types of psychotherapy. This area needs to be implemented by mental health workers who have completed well-structured, timely and content-based training programs that include theoretical and supervisory training, in accordance with international quality standards, with the competence of trainers to train knowledge and skills.

How am I going to learn the CBT techniques?

Psychotherapy is a proven type of treatment with clinical effects in the treatment of many mental disorders and discomfort. This applies to many types of psychotherapy (psychoanalysis, psychodynamic psychotherapy, interpersonal therapy, supportive psychotherapy, etc.). The most advantageous aspect of CBT among these therapies is that they are "cost-effective", that is, their short duration is high. The number of counselors in our country that can sustain long-term psychotherapy, especially in material terms, is low. The CBT could be effective in a short period, such as 8-12 sessions in the treatment of many first-axis psychiatric disorders. It is important for a mental health worker to know these therapy techniques to be able to help more clients.

Which institutions provide the CBT education?

Many universities offer courses on CBT in undergraduate, graduate and doctoral programs related to psychology, and in universities and education hospitals that offer psychiatric specialization training. In addition, this training is provided within various associations. However, when deciding the quality of these trainings, it is important to note that the content and duration are in line with the standards of the CBT-related international agencies (European Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies-EABCT, Academy of Cognitive Therapy-ACT). ÜSBDT can become the first center of a university in Turkey, by providing CBT education.

What is the purpose of ÜSBDT?

Üsküdar University Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Training, Application and Research Center (ÜSBDT) was established to support the implementation of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, a type of evidence-based psychotherapy, in our country in a more widespread and competent manner.

What will be the activities of the ÜSBDT?

The main activity of our center is to provide the students who are studying in the mental health field and the students in this field with theoretical training on the applications of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in the treatment of various mental illnesses and to provide supervisory training for interviews with the clients/patients with adequate theoretical training. Scientific research on the effectiveness of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is also among the center's activities.

Who can participate in the trainings in the ÜSBDT?

Those who have completed at least undergraduate training in psychiatry, psychiatric nursing, psychological counseling and guidance training with doctors in psychiatry and other fields, and employees in these fields can participate in our trainings. Participation outside these persons will be indicated in the specific announcements of the courses that will be opened. Applications from outside the institution will also be evaluated, with the priority given to students and graduates of Üsküdar University.