Directors Message

According to TURKSTAT data, the budget allocated for the imports of pharmaceutical products increases every year, and the import of this item was around 4.5 billion dollars in 2017. For this reason, it is clear that there is a need to establish centers that will support medical research in our country, develop national products, and aim to reduce foreign dependency in order to contribute to the country's economy by producing biotechnological products that can be imported into our country in the future.

Transgenic cell technologies and epigenetics are newly developing fields in our country and the importance of these fields in the world is increasing. In our center, by researching transgenic cell technologies and epigenetic mechanisms, new transgenic cell lines will be created, stem cell research will be conducted, recombinant protein production will be carried out, new diagnostic kits will be developed, peptide and peptidomimetic based drug candidate molecules will be designed. Thus, it is aimed to reduce foreign dependency in biotechnology.

Within the Üsküdar University Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, our departments of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Bioengineering, Chemistry-Biology Engineering, Forensic Sciences, which provide undergraduate education in the field of life sciences, and graduate education in the field of Neuroscience, Molecular Neuroscience, Molecular Biology and Genetics, Bioengineering, Forensic Genetics, our Forensic Molecular Biology programs continue their research and development activities with a strong infrastructure especially in the field of cell technologies. It is planned to establish a center that focuses on epigenetics, including a transgenic cell technologies unit, in order to take this infrastructure at our university one step further and to transfer the scientific and technological developments in this field to our country.

I present my best regards to our country.

Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Cihan TAŞTAN

