Üsküdar University hosted the Cyber Resilience Summit

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DOI : https://doi.org/10.32739/uha.id.56937

The Cyber Resilience Summit (SDZ'24) was hosted by Üsküdar University together with the Information Communication Security, Compliance and Cyber Resilience Association (BIGUS). At the summit, which was attended by experts in their fields, B2B connections, personal and corporate networking opportunities in the field of cyber security were discussed. At the summit where the cyber resilience agenda was also discussed, participants had the opportunity to gain new perspectives in six different sessions. Pointing out that not only conventional vehicles but also non-conventional tools are used together in the struggles of states with each other, Prof. Türker Tekin Ergüzel said that hybrid wars will now be experienced more over time, and it will be seen how valuable and valuable cyber security is in these hybrid wars.

Students showed great interest in the summit, which was held in six different sessions at Üsküdar University Main Campus Nermin Tarhan Conference Hall. In addition to experts in their fields, Head of Information and Cyber Security Department of the General Directorate of National Technology Development Murat Yazgan also participated in the summit.

The opening speeches were made by Üsküdar University Vice Rector Prof. Türker Tekin Ergüzel and BIGUS Chairman of the Board of Directors Cem Hacızade.

Prof. Türker Tekin Ergüzel: "We see how valuable cyber security is for the defense of the digital homeland"

Delivering the opening speech of the summit, Vice Rector Prof. Türker Tekin Ergüzel talked about the national and international importance of cyber security. Pointing out that the importance of cyber security will increase in the future, Ergüzel stated that "Within the scope of this summit, we see how valuable cyber security is for the defense of the digital homeland, especially since hybrid attacks are on the agenda. Thanks to the very important developments in the defense industry, the point we have reached in the defense industry is obvious with the investments and products of ASELSAN and other public partnership affiliates. However, we see that not only conventional tools in the process we have seen, observed and actually experienced in the last two or three days, but also non-conventional tools are used together in the struggles of states with each other. Therefore, you will see these hybrid wars here over time. At the same time, you will see how valuable cyber security is in these hybrid wars."

After the opening speeches, Ali Dinçkan from Optimate Solutions made a presentation titled "Risk and compliance management practices in cyber resilience".

After the presentation, the sessions began.

Head of Informatics and Cyber Security Department Murat Yazgan also attended

The topic of "Regulation and Compliance: Data Protection Laws and Standards" was discussed under the title of Digital Transformation and Cyber Resilience in the first session moderated by Chairman of the Board of Directors of BIGUS Cem Hacızade. Among the speakers of the first session were Head of Informatics and Cyber Security Department of National Technology Development Murat Yazgan, Head of TSE Informatics Testing and Certification Department Merve Hatice Karataş, Chairman of the Board of Directors of BISIAD İdris Doğrul, and Chief Auditor of Proks Certification Information Systems Burak Yeşilderya.

Cyber security architecture and software application security were discussed

"Cyber Security Architecture and Software Application Security: Software Defense Layers and Requirements" was discussed under the title of Software/Application Security Cyber Resilience in the second session moderated by Chief Auditor of Information and Communication Security Compliance Cenk Erim Tezel. Energy Markets Management Inc. Information Technologies Director and EDİDER Board Member Mehmet Uçansoy, METU Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department Prof. Buyurman Baykal and Chamber of Computer Engineers Cyber Security Working Group Chairman Savaş Uluçay delivered speeches at the session.

Information security for a resilient future was mentioned

The topic of "Information Security for a Resilient Future: Ways to Manage Risks in Forensic Informatics" was discussed under the title of Forensic Informatics Cyber Resilience in the third session moderated by Head of the Cyber Security Department of the Defense Industry Academy Assoc. Prof. Aytuğ Boyacı. Head of Information Technologies Department at Istanbul Commerce University Dağhan Ersoy, Forensic Informatics Specialist from Fordefence Consulting Emre Çelikkol, and Instructor İbrahim Gündüzgil took part as a speaker.

Zero trust and cyber resilience discussed

"Zero Trust and Cyber Resilience" was discussed in the fourth session moderated by Technological Group President Aykut Seyrek. In the session where critical thinking was discussed to solve the ever-changing problems of cyber security in a creative and systematic way, Adeo Cyber Security GRC Team Leader F. Filiz Ulvi, Optimate Solutions CEO Ali Dinçkan and BT YÖN Cyber Security Consultant Hakan Kantaş made their speeches.

Asst. Prof. Ahmet Şenol: "You are putting yourself at risk to a certain extent"

Üsküdar University Cyber Security Master's Program Head Asst. Prof. Ahmet Şenol made a presentation after the fourth session. Talking about Juice jacking and Bad USB attacks, Şenol stated that "You may have seen USB ports, especially on ferries, public transport, municipal buses. If you do not have your charger with you, but you have your cable with you, you plug the cable into this port with the intention of charging your device. However, that USB court can accommodate a special mechanism inside. This means that you are putting yourself at a certain risk. In return, we would be safer if we had our own charger and our own cable."

New generation cyber threats and trends were addressed

The topic of "New Generation Cyber Threats and Trends" was discussed in the fifth session moderated by Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Reputation Management Institute Orhan Samast. In the session, Marmara University Cyber Security Department Head Asst. Prof. Hüseyin Yüce, RSU Informatics and Consultancy Partner Yıldız Balatürk Erkan and CISSP-CMMI-Information and Cyber Security Consultant, Blockchain Gürhan Özdemir.

Attention was drawn to cyber resilience in the civil aviation sector

The last session was moderated by Emre Çelikkol, Senior Digital Forensics Specialist at Fordefence Informatics. Under the title of Cyber Resilience in the Civil Aviation Sector, the topic of "Data Security in the Aviation Industry: Protection of Flight Information and Passenger Data" was discussed. In the session where the importance of cyber security in the aviation industry was explained, ISG Airport Information Technologies and Automation Director İsmihan Baysal Anderson, Tailwind Aviation Cyber Security Manager Enes Yıldızhan, YDA Dalaman Airport Information Security Manager Volkan Vural and THY Information Security Manager Okan Aktaş made speeches.

After the end of the sessions, plaques were presented to all speakers and the students were presented with a book titled "Cyber Security-Türkiye's Cyber Power and Examples from the World".

The summit ended with a group photo shoot.


Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)