A 'safety culture' must be created for the safety of children!

Haber ile ilişkili SDG etiketleri

DOI : https://doi.org/10.32739/uha.id.56832

Stating that the first step in creating a safe environment in kindergartens and nurseries is to ensure safety in physical environment conditions, experts say that everyone from the school administration to families has a duty.

Emphasizing that considering the age groups of kindergarten and nurseries age children, especially chemical cleaning materials must be kept in a way and places that children cannot reach and do not attract their attention, Occupational Health and Safety Specialist Asst. Prof. Sertaç Temur stated that "In order to create a safe environment for the health and safety of our children and to be sustainable, the creation of a safety culture in schools must be made a priority." Underlining that not only the management and staff, but also the parents are responsible for providing a safe environment, Asst. Prof. Sertaç Temur expressed that "After the time spent at school, children will adopt their behaviors and movements because they spend time at home with their families."

Üsküdar University Faculty of Health Sciences Occupational Health and Safety Specialist Asst. Prof. Sertaç Temur gave information about the safety measures to be taken for the safety of children in kindergartens and nurseries and the importance of safety culture.

"A safe environment contributes to the growth of children with a culture of safety"

Reminding that kindergartens and nurseries are the first institutions where children develop the fastest physically, mentally and socially and receive education at an early age, Asst. Prof. Sertaç Temur said that "I would like to underline 'education at an early age' here. Because, as our ancestors said, ‘as the twig is bent, so grows the tree’. The safe environment and security measures taken in kindergartens and nurseries not only ensure the protection of children, but also create a supportive environment for them to grow up with a certain safety culture and awareness and to care about their own safety in both education and working life in the coming years."

Floors suitable for both physical and psychological health of children should be preferred

Pointing out that the first step to create a safe environment in kindergartens and nurseries is to ensure safety in physical environment conditions, Occupational Health and Safety Specialist Asst. Prof. Sertaç Temur said that "A hard floor such as concrete must not be used for flooring in nursery and kindergarten. PVC flooring material can be preferred because it is both antibacterial and shock-absorbing. However, in order to ensure that children play safely, rubber flooring must be preferred in playgrounds due to its soft and shock-absorbing properties. Although plastic and rubber floors should be preferred for the safety and health of children, if possible, the construction of sand or soil/grass playgrounds in kindergartens and nurseries where children can throw away their negative energies will have a positive effect on the psychological health of the child."

Chemical products used for cleaning can pique children's curiosity!

Underlining that the furniture and playground equipment in kindergartens and nurseries should be designed in accordance with the age and developmental level of the children, Asst. Prof. Sertaç Temur stated that "Sharp corners must be softened and mounted firmly on the wall. Electrical outlets must be protected by covers, doors and windows must be designed for children to use safely."

Reminding that children in this age group are more susceptible to infections and diseases since their immune systems are still in the development stage, Asst. Prof. Sertaç Temur continued his remarks as follows:

"However, since kindergarten and nursery-aged children are more curious than other ages, they will want to experience everything they see around them. In this case, management and staff have a big responsibility. Because products such as glass water used for cleaning can attract the curiosity of children, children may drink these chemicals out of curiosity or by mistake and be poisoned. To avoid such situations, hazardous chemicals or objects should be kept out of the reach of children and in places that do not attract their attention. Hygiene rules must be strictly followed during the preparation and presentation of meals. In addition, children should be encouraged to learn to wash their hands and acquire this habit."

“Creating a culture of safety in schools should be made a priority."

Pointing out that earthquake risk is one of the top priorities, especially for families and schools residing in the Marmara Region and Istanbul, Asst. Prof. Sertaç Temur said that "Precautions and education are among the most important measures that can be taken against earthquakes. Because we do not know when the earthquake will come. For this reason, kindergartens and nurseries must have a detailed emergency plan for fire, earthquake or other emergencies. For such situations, drills should be carried out together with all personnel and children, especially the management, and it is important for children to be aware in case of an emergency, which is a life-saving issue."

Underlining that regular inspections and risk assessments should also be carried out in kindergartens and nurseries, Asst. Prof. Temur continued his remarks as follows:

"Risk assessments will be an effective method in pre-empting the potential dangers that our children will face in kindergartens and nurseries. Moreover, the inspection of kindergartens and nurseries is an important factor in terms of the sustainability of the safe environment here. Therefore, is there a way to ensure a safe environment in kindergartens and nurseries without inspections? At this point, creating a safe environment for the health and safety of our children and creating a safety culture in schools should be prioritized in order to be sustainable."

OHS trainings must include both physical and psychological awareness

Stating that "In order to create a safety culture in kindergartens and nurseries, it is vital to continuously and accurately train the management and educators on OHS standards to provide a safe environment,” Prof. Sertaç Temur said that "These trainings should be given to provide the personnel with both physical and psychological awareness and safe environmental conditions. Staff are trained to be able to accurately understand children's needs, recognize potential hazards in advance, and respond quickly and effectively in emergencies. In addition, the psychological safety of children is taken into account. Staff learn how to communicate with children in a healthy and supportive manner. However, when we say safety culture, it is necessary to know that trainings are not just a formality. Everyone should take an active role in security to ensure a safe environment."

A culture of safety should be disseminated not only in schools, but throughout society

Emphasizing that not only the management and staff, but also the parents are responsible for ensuring a safe environment in kindergartens and kindergartens. Asst. Prof. Sertaç Temur concluded his remarks as follows:

"After the time spent at school, children will adopt their behaviors and actions because they spend time at home with their families. Therefore, informing and raising awareness of parents about the safety and health of their children plays a critical role in the success of OHS and safety culture practices.

This culture, which will contribute to the creation of a safe environment for our children to receive a healthy and safe education in kindergartens and kindergartens, should be aimed to be disseminated not only within the institution, but also at home and in the community."


Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)